Tous les centres d'enregistrement des examens SELT de LanguageCert et les partenaires d'examen SELT de LanguageCert sont répertoriés ci-dessous.
Centres d'enregistrement des examens LanguageCert SELT
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Aria Delta Consulting Group |
Kaboul |
+93793108181 |
https://www.ariadelta.af |
Afrique du Sud
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Adresse e-mail | Site web |
Johannesburg | Johannesburg | +273391051 | https://www.ihjoburg.co.za | |
Avenue English | Benmore | +27 11 440 2239 | info@avenueenglish.co.za | https://www.avenueenglish.co.za |
Project Literacy | Pretoria | +27123233447 | lungile@projectliteracy.org.za | https://www.projectliteracy.org.za |
Molteno | Johannesburg | +270114846245 | mdikotla@molteno.co.za | https://www.molteno.co.za |
Anywhere Education | Randburg | +27 082 881 4391 | maxine@anywhereeducation.online | https://www.anywhereeducation.online |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
YES! Your English School | Tirana |
+355 (0) 4 431 6265 |
http://www.yesalbania.al |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Algerian Learning Centers | Alger |
00213 5 504 15805 |
http://www.alc-dz.net | |
Language Arts School | Skikda | +213795512289 | languageartsschool21@gmail.com | https://www.las-dz.com/ |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site Web | |
IBA Institute | Minsk |
+375 29 3793733 |
https://www.instituteiba.by |
Brunei Darussalam
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Synergy Skills Sdn Bhd | Bandar Seri Begawan | +6732338158 | https://www.synergyskills.com |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site Internet | |
Pusite Education & Technology | Beijing |
+86 186 11443919 |
Elite Journey | Guangzhou |
+86 020 89280341 |
https://www.elitejourney.net/index.html | |
TopSchools | Shanghai |
+86 021 60497211 |
http://www.topschools.cn | |
Languages (Qingdao) Certification & Assessment | Qingdao, Shandong | +86 186 78987316 | amy.lin@china-ces.cn | |
Horizon | Qingdao, Shandong | +86 532 85899108 | info@qd-bh.com | https://www.qd-bh.com |
i-ydc | Zhongshan | 18676422980 | jayliu@i-ydc.com | |
Wuhan Blackhawk Education Consulting Co., Ltd | Wuhan | +8618671671599 | navytu@blackhawkedu.net | http://www.blackhawkedu.com/ |
IvyU Limited | Chengdu | +86 139 8077 4327 | jessica.wu@ivyuedu.com | www.ivyuedu.com |
Beijing Hongfei International Education & Technology Ltd. | Beijing | 01064492041 | hongfei531@126.com | http://hongfeiedu.com |
Chengdu WoDe Education Consulting Co., Ltd. | Chengdu | + 86 28 87697898 | huiwang@worldintl.cn | http://www.worldintl.cn/ |
Beijing CAEL Education Consulting Co., Ltd | Beijing | 18610922974 | lipeng@bjcael.com | https://ww.caeledu.com |
Tomato Education International | Beijing | +86010 5710 8117 | china@tomatoedu.com | https://www.tomatoedu.com |
Tianjin Hexi Yu Ming Ying Cheng Training School Co., Ltd. | Tianjin | +8602227837148 | 2444099110@qq.com | |
Max Education | Shanghai | 15618290028 | zjj@maxhomestay.com | https://www.maxhomestay.com |
Beijing Exchange Learning Education & Technology Co., Ltd. | Beijing | 86-13911001463 | lijian@u.nus.edu | https://lijian@u.nus.edu |
China Eos (Beijing) International Education and Technology Development Limited | Beijing | +8613701183777 | y.yang@cantab.net | https://www.cambridge-eos.com |
Beijing New Oriental Vision Overseas Consulting Co., Ltd | Beijing | 86-10-62605599 | uk@xdf.cn | https://liuxue.xdf.cn/ |
Best Learning English | Beijing | +8618500050528 | jeremyliu@beile.com | https://www.beile.com |
Shanghai Changtai Education Technology Co., Ltd | Shanghai | +8621 60480845 | test@unischol.com | https://www.unischol.com |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site Internet | |
Pusite Education & Technology | Beijing |
+86 186 11443919 |
Elite Journey | Guangzhou |
+86 020 89280341 |
https://www.elitejourney.net/index.html | |
TopSchools | Shanghai |
+86 021 60497211 |
http://www.topschools.cn | |
Languages (Qingdao) Certification & Assessment | Qingdao, Shandong | +86 186 78987316 | amy.lin@china-ces.cn | |
Horizon | Qingdao, Shandong | +86 532 85899108 | info@qd-bh.com | https://www.qd-bh.com |
i-ydc | Zhongshan | 18676422980 | jayliu@i-ydc.com | |
Wuhan Blackhawk Education Consulting Co., Ltd | Wuhan | +8618671671599 | navytu@blackhawkedu.net | http://www.blackhawkedu.com/ |
IvyU Limited | Chengdu | +86 139 8077 4327 | jessica.wu@ivyuedu.com | www.ivyuedu.com |
Beijing Hongfei International Education & Technology Ltd. | Beijing | 01064492041 | hongfei531@126.com | http://hongfeiedu.com |
Chengdu WoDe Education Consulting Co., Ltd. | Chengdu | + 86 28 87697898 | huiwang@worldintl.cn | http://www.worldintl.cn/ |
Beijing CAEL Education Consulting Co., Ltd | Beijing | 18610922974 | lipeng@bjcael.com | https://ww.caeledu.com |
Tomato Education International | Beijing | +86010 5710 8117 | china@tomatoedu.com | https://www.tomatoedu.com |
Tianjin Hexi Yu Ming Ying Cheng Training School Co., Ltd. | Tianjin | +8602227837148 | 2444099110@qq.com | |
Max Education | Shanghai | 15618290028 | zjj@maxhomestay.com | https://www.maxhomestay.com |
Beijing Exchange Learning Education & Technology Co., Ltd. | Beijing | 86-13911001463 | lijian@u.nus.edu | https://lijian@u.nus.edu |
China Eos (Beijing) International Education and Technology Development Limited | Beijing | +8613701183777 | y.yang@cantab.net | https://www.cambridge-eos.com |
Beijing New Oriental Vision Overseas Consulting Co., Ltd | Beijing | 86-10-62605599 | uk@xdf.cn | https://liuxue.xdf.cn/ |
Best Learning English | Beijing | +8618500050528 | jeremyliu@beile.com | https://www.beile.com |
Shanghai Changtai Education Technology Co., Ltd | Shanghai | +8621 60480845 | test@unischol.com | https://www.unischol.com |
Côte d’Ivoire
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Adresse e-mail | Site web |
Speak Easy International | Abidjan | +2252722446002 | info@speakeasyintl.com | https://www.speakeasyintl.com |
Groupe Jizreel |
Αbidjan | +225 070 816 7679 | monruisseau@gmail.com | http://elearning-iupia.ci/ |
République tchèque
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Channel Crossings |
Prague |
+420 210 215 320 00420210215325 |
http://www.chc.cz |
Nom : | Ville/province | Téléphone : | Site web | |
Cambridge Institut | Munich |
+49 89 221115 |
https://www.cambridgeinstitut.de |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
English Book Education |
Tbilisi |
(+995)577346588 +995 (0) 322 00 12 42 |
https://www.englishbookeducation.co.uk |
Nom : | Ville/province | Téléphone : | Site web | |
Cambridge Institut | Munich |
+49 89 221115 |
https://www.cambridgeinstitut.de |
Émirats arabes unis
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
GEMS Middle East Holding FZ LLC |
Fujairah |
+971 4 383 5323 |
https://www.learnnet.org | |
Alpha Publishing | Dubai | +971 43918658 | Ramiz.Haddadin@alphapublishing.com | https://www.alphapublishing.com |
Name | Address | City/Zipcode | Phone | Website | |
Olanta Limited | Ronda De Nelle 117 1º IZQ | A Coruña - 15010 | +34644494609 | admin@englishcert.es | englishcert.es |
EXAMINATE CEM, S.L | Calle Del Amor, 2,4º,1 | Almería - 04005 | +34639675576 | fla@examinate.net | examinate.net |
ENGLISH WORLDWIDE, S.L. | Calle Aribau, Num. 240, planta 7 | Barcelona - 08006 | +34619277349 | jfigarola@abaenglish.com | abaenglish.com |
Impact Education International SL | Consell de Cent 217 | Barcelona - 08011 | +34652836301 | management@certifyeducation.org | certifyeducation.org |
David Michael Hannon | Calle Lavadero, 2 | Cúllar Vega - 18195 | +34958058650 | direccion@aspireformacion.com | aspireidiomas.com |
CSE MURCIA ESTUDIOS S.L.U. | Avenida de Andalucía, 36 | Fuente Álamo de Murcia - 30320 | +34645835345 |
office@csemurcia.com | csemurcia.com |
CAMBRIDGE INSTITUTE GROUP, S.L. | Plaza de España 6 | Madrid - 28008 | +34917587555 | eusebiopacha@cambridgeinstitute.net | cambridgeinstitute.net |
CES CAMPUSMANIA, SL | Plaza Fábrica de Paños, 2 Local 8 | Madrid - 28830 | +34916726262 | central@edukaland.com | edukaland.com |
Dana Roxana Metes | Calle Aceuchal 4, local AB | Madrid - 28019 | +34634420275 | danaroxana.metes@gmail.com | salondeidiomas.es |
Living Languages SL | Plaza Cortes, 4, Planta 7 , Puerta Izd | Madrid - 28014 | +34663882692 | info@livinglanguages.net | livinglanguages.net |
USAcademy S.L. | Paseo de la Castellana, 40, planta 8 | Madrid - 28046 | +34644717986 | admin@usacademy.es | usacademy.es |
DREAMING CALIFORNIA CURSOS DE IDIOMAS SL | Travesía de Navaluenga 3 | Majadahonda - 28221 | +34653777780 | info@dreamingcalifornia.es | dreamingcalifornia.es |
Spanglish People Development and Language Services, SL | Calle Mayor 106 | Vera - 04620 | +34950390037 | ksastrias@espanglish.net | espanglish.net |
Nom : | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
AMIDEAST Global | Washington, DC |
+1-202-776-9615 |
https://www.wanaminternational.org |
Name | City/Province | Phone | Website | |
ΕΥΡΩΓΝΩΣΗ | Άγιοι Ανάργυροι |
6972416398 |
https://tsikolatas.com/ekpaideutika/ | |
ECDL Ελλάς |
Αθήνα | 2103729102 | https://www.ecdl.gr |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Adresse e-mail | Site web |
Accent Language School | Guernesey |
01481714909 |
https://www.accent.gg |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
CONVERZUM TUDOMÁNY NYELVISKOLA Zártkörűen Működő Részvénytársaság | Budapest |
+3613681156 |
https://converzum.hu/ | |
English Language Skills Assessment Services Ltd |
Budapest | +3616120308 | info@languagecert.hu | https://www.languagecert.hu |
BOLYAI JANOS ALAPITVANY | Salgotarjan | +3632310394 | bolyainyelvvizsga@gmail.com | |
Budapest | +36 1 612 0308 | info@languagecert.hu | |
MICSKI STUDENT 2004 KFT | Eger | +36 36 789-990 | eger@katedra.hu | |
KATEDRA OKTATASI KOZPONT KFT | Gyor | +36 1 7000 137 | gyor@katedra.hu | |
ILS NYELVISKOLA KFT | Nyiregyhaza | +36 42 313 315 | info@ilsnyh.hu | |
VACI SZAKKEPZESI CENTRUM | Vac | + 36 27 504245 | elsogeza.titkarsag@igk.hu | |
Zalaegerszeg | +36 92 347 900 | sprint-l@sprint-l.hu | |
ALTERNATIVE ENGLISH SCHOOL BT | Kecskemet | +36 76 485 561 | office@alternative.hu |
Name | City/Province | Phone | Website | |
Sophiya Consultants | Patiala |
9872896646 |
https://www.sophiyaconsultants.com/ | |
CPS Global Private Limited | Gurugram Haryana | +91 9899900020 | mayanksrivastava@cpsglobal.in | https://www.cpsglobal.in |
NR Overseas Education and Immigration | New Delhi | +91 9810246966 | rameshsharma@indopacificservices.com | https://indopacificservices.com/ |
Meredian Overseas | Jaipur | +91 98680747829 | amar@meridean.org | https://www.meridean.org |
Saga Studies |
ARMITSAR | +61450802000 | sumit.arora@sagastudies.com.au | |
Touchstone Educationals LLP | Chandigarh | +91 172 500 0060 | info@touchstoneedu.com | https://www.touchstoneedu.com |
Seven Seas Solutions | Mumbai | +919892931126 | srs@worldassessments.com | https://www.worldassessments.com |
DIT University |
Dehradun | +9101357144025 | ict.manager@dituniversity.edu.in | https://dituniversity.edu.in |
Santa Monica | Kerala | +91 484 4140999 | director@santamonicaedu.in | https://www.santamonicaedu.in/ |
MD, Take off Educational Consultants | Ahmedabad | +91-79-4890 2967 | rahul@takeoffeducation.com | https://www.takeoffeducation.com |
Chennai | +919840891704 | balaji@eoaindia.com |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Interchange Institute | Sulaimani |
+96 4770 1203884 |
Data Quest | Sulaymaniyah | +9647714490006 | amed.latif@dataquest.krd | https://www.dataquest.krd |
Nom : | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Louth English | Dundalk, Louth |
+35 387 1238415 |
https://www.louthenglish.ie/ |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Adresse e-mail | Site web |
Testing & Tutoring Services S.r.l. | Rome |
+39 06 69291 155 |
http://www.testingtutoring.com |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Adresse e-mail | Site web |
Unihouse | Amman |
+962 6 5373 666 |
http://www.unihouse.com.jo | |
Cultures Village for Education and Training |
Amman | +065860160 +0770816162 |
Mousa@culturesvillage.com | https://culturesvillage.com/ |
International Centre for languages |
Amman | 00962770305035 | khsinternational2019@yahoo.com |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Adresse e-mail | Site web |
Almaty | +7(727)2920330 | https://www.angelstream.com/ |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Learning & Testing Services of East Africa | Nairobi | +254 712 135 826 | https://lts-africa.com/ | |
Musish Ventures Limited | Nairobi | +254702929233 | contactus@musish.com | https://www.musish.com |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Britain International Academy | Al-Farwaniyah | +965-22204171 | https://www.bia.edu.kw |
Alpha Mentor Academy |
Hawalli | +00965 222 40776 | info@alphamentoracademy.com | https://www.AlphaMentorAcademy.com |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site Internet | |
Global Kompas |
Osh |
996555899868 996322224804 |
https://facebook.com/globalcompassme |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
International House Riga | Riga |
(+371) 67 226 641 |
https://www.ihriga.lv |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Adresse e-mail | Site web |
Madagascar Professional Training Centre | Antananarivo |
+261331843908 |
https://www.mptceducation.com |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Soy Lider Net |
Ciudad De Mexico | +52 55 3231 0136 +525527293545 |
soporte@soylider.net ciaosofia33@gmail.com |
https://soylider.net/ |
Direktor DG | Ciudad de México | 47376728 | pablo.mendoza@direktorgroup.com | https://www.direktorgroup.com |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Headway Consulting | Windhoek |
+26461401695 |
http://www.headway.com.na |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
English Den | Lagos | +234 081 666 96 016 | info@englishden.com.ng | https://www.englishden.com.ng |
Swintec Computer Institute | Owerri | +234 803 331 5602 | swinteccomputer@yahoo.com | https://www.swinteconline.net |
EduPlan | Ikeja, Lagos |
2348027442902 | dare@eduplan360.com | |
Maczey Concept LTD | Port Harcourt | +234 803 841 1326 | envisiona@yahoo.com | https://maczeyeducation.com/contact.html |
WhiteRock Educational Services ltd | Ikeja, Lagos | +234 802 706 4949 | info@whiterock-edu.com | https://www.whiterock-edu.com |
SchoolNet | Port Harcourt, Rivers State | +234 803 326 9030 | schoolnetnigeria@gmail.com | |
Bellaz Education Services | Lagos | +234 806 072 5686 | ogechi@bellazeducation.com | https://www.bellazeducation.com |
MackIV Consult | Lagos | +234 802 701 8133 | director@mackivconsult.org | https://www.mackivconsult.org |
Procept Associates Professional Services |
Lagos | +2348022230833 | oduko@procept.com | https://procept.com/consultants/nigerian-consultants |
Hydratech Innovations Systems Solutions Limited | Omole, Lagos | +2347089996942 | oluwaseunfad@gmail.com | https://www.hydratechinnovations.com |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Innovative Initiatives Institute | Tashkent |
+998 97333 08 87 |
https://www.facebook.com/westschool.uz/ |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Institute of Career Development | Lahore |
+92 3111999100 |
https://www.icd.org.pk | |
FATIMA ALI PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL | Karachi | +92 21 36660444 | admin@fapss.edu.pk | https://www.fapss.edu.pk |
NSA Consultants & Legal Advisors | Faisalabad | +92 300 866 8781 +92 41 8503486 |
naveedawan@nsaimmigration.com | https://www.nsaimmigration.com |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site Internet | |
British International Center | BANDE DE GAZA |
+972595221221 |
https://WWW.IBC-LPE.COM |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site Internet | |
Vistula University | Varsovie |
+48 224 572354 |
https://www.vistula.edu.pl/ | |
Szkoła Języków Obcych INFINITY Andrzej Kowalski | Cracovie | +48 12 395 06 08 | info@infinity.edu.pl | https://www.infinity.edu.pl/ |
Akademia Morska w Szczecinie |
Szczecin | +48 91 4809377 | mec@am.szczecin.pl | https://www.am.szczecin.pl/pl/ |
OXFORDON | Bydgoszcz | +48600554555 | janusz@studiawanglii.pl | |
Education and Testing Dr Agata Pradela |
Gliwice | +48 32 370 12 92 +48 605 143 763 |
edu@dr-pradela.eu | http://dr-pradela.eu/en/ |
Nom : | Ville/province | Téléphone : | Site web | |
Centrofis - Center of International Studies | Brașov | 0040727704567 | contact@centrofis.ro | http://www.cursuri-universitati.ro/ |
Nom : | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
College of Skills and Learning | Birmingham |
+44 750 7936760 |
https://www.cslearning.org.uk | |
Cambridge Management and Leadership School | Cambridge |
+44 122 3655697 |
https://www.cmls.org.uk/ | |
Learn for Life Enterprise | Sheffield | +44 114 2559080 | https://www.learnforlifeenterprise.co.uk | |
Leeds Immigration Advice Centre | Leeds | +44 800 3688107 | info@leedsimmigrationadvicecentre.com | https://www.leedsimmigrationadvicecentre.com/ |
Eurospeak | Reading |
+44 118 9589599 |
info@eurospeak.org.uk | https://eurospeak.ac.uk/ |
Western Metropolitan Colleges Group | Uxbridge |
+44 189 5853469 +44 189 5853333 |
international@hcuc.ac.uk | https://www.uxbridgecollege.ac.uk https://www.hcuc.ac.uk/ |
International Testing & Training Services | Manchester | +44 161 8182961 | m.nethercott@ittservices.net | https://www.ittservices.net |
Maria Consultancy London | Londres |
+44 783 0652989 |
info@mariaconsultancy.co.uk | https://www.mariaconsultancy.co.uk |
Edskills Language School | Birmingham |
+44 121 3668953 |
info@edskills.co.uk | https://www.edskills.co.uk |
English school of London | Londres |
+44 758 3139998 |
info@englishschooloflondon.co.uk | https://www.englishschooloflondon.co.uk |
Languages United | Bath |
+44 122 5580058 |
info@languagesunited.co.uk | https://www.languagesunited.co.uk |
Hamlets Training Centre | Cambridge |
+44 122 3655697 |
info@hamlets.org.uk | https://www.hamlets.org.uk |
Extra Learning UK Ltd | Smethwick, West Midlands, Birmingham |
+44 121 5652475 | info@exluk.com | https://www.exluk.com |
MA Consultants | Blackburn |
+44 125 4672075 |
maconsultants1@gmail.com | https://www.maenglishcentre.co.uk/ |
GSN Immigration | Londres | +44 207 9936981 +44 208 1506709 |
info@gsnimmigration.co.uk | https://gsnimmigration.co.uk/ |
Morgan Smith Immigration | Croydon |
+44 203 9593335 |
info@morgansmithimmigration.com | https://morgansmithimmigration.com |
Sahara Student Service | Bournemouth | +44 01202585522 | info@saharass.co.uk | https://www.saharass.co.uk/ |
Academy for International Science and Research | Derry/Londonderry | +44 07759831432 | info@aisr.org.uk | https://www.aisr.ie/ |
Pan Immigration Ltd | Glasgow | +44 07984 908598 | cp@panimmigration.co.uk | https://www.panimmigration.co.uk |
MDA College | Leeds | +44 01332261789 | info@mdacollege.com | https://mdacollege.com |
London Centre For Training and Development | Lewisham | +44 08006894834 | info.lctduk@gmail.com | https://lctd.co.uk/home |
Education of Excellence | Londres | +44 07410828032 | smrahman@gipcl.org.uk | https://www.gipcl.org.uk |
Global Edulink | Londres | +44 02034097966 | support@globaledulink.co.uk | https://www.globaledulink.co.uk |
London for Learners | Londres | +44 02084788248 | info@londonforlearners.co.uk | |
London School of Social and Management Sciences | Londres | +44 02071838341 | w.mughal@lsms.ac | https://www.lsms.ac |
QC Immigration | Londres | +44 02036378633 | info@qc-immigration.com | https://qc-immigration.com |
UK Management College TA/The UK Marketing Consultant | Manchester | +44 07754851649 | info@ukmcglobal.com | |
Sinoland | Rugby | +44 01788572390 | lei.zhao@sinoland.co.uk | https://www.sinoland.co.uk |
The Qualifiers | Slough | +44 07516615357 | mbbsqualifiers@gmail.com | |
Oxford International Education and Travel Company | Tollgate, Chandler’s Ford | +44 01273323220 | dsaatcioglu@oxfordinternational.com | https://www.oxfordinternationalenglish.com |
English Naturally | Winchester | +44 01962859700 | chris@english-naturally.com | https://www.english-naturally.com/ |
Vitspro | Newcastle Upon Tyne | +44 0191 2733333 | info@vitspro.co.uk | https://vitspro.co.uk/ |
Acapedia Consultancy | Nottingham | +44 770 8181 666 | info@acapedia.co.uk | https://acapedia.co.uk/ |
Ansel Educational Consultancy | Leicester | + 44 77 4 111 2323 | contact@anselec.com | https://anselec.com/ |
NCC Education Limited | MANCHESTER | +44 (0) 161 438 6258 | esther.chesterman@nccedu.com | https://www.nccedu.com |
Londres | 00447824336471 | Tong@uk-tuition.com | https://www.uk-tuition.com |
The Next Uni | Crawley | +44012931583300 | info@thenextuni.com | https://www.thenextuni.com/ |
London School of English | Londres | +44 (0)20 7605 4123 | jo.burns@londonschool.com | https://www.londonschool.com/ |
Active Study | Reading | +4407490714810 | activestudyandtravel@gmail.com | |
Westland Mark Limited | Londres | +447881745556 | info@westlandmark.com | http://www.westlandmark.com |
Latitude Law | Manchester | +441612346800 | info@latitudelaw.com | https://latitudelaw.com/ |
Adgbenfash Consulting Ltd | Grangemouth | +4407985436979 | info@adgbenfashconsulting.co.uk | http://www.adgbenfashconsulting.co.uk |
Advanced Legal Consultants Ltd | Manchester | +44074 3228 9451 | asif@immigrationadvisers.com | https://immigrationadvisers.com |
Metro Immigration Specialists | Uxbridge | +44020 3633 0525 | metroimmigration@outlook.com | https://www.metroimmigration.uk |
Sonis U.K. Immigration Services Limited | Londres | +44 075 6348 1308 | sonisukimmigration@gmail.com | http://www.sonisimmigration.co.uk/london |
Global Office for Higher Education | Manchester | 07824429300 | info@global-h-education.com |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site Web | |
Language-Exams.ru | Moscou | +7 916 202-70-91 | http://language-exams.ru |
Lingua Spektr | Nizhni Novgorod | +79101365565 | linguaspektr@gmail.com | https://linguaspektr.ru |
IP Shashkova | Moscou | +7 905 723 0113 | alisa.shashkova@gmail.com | https://www.alisa-shashkova.ru |
Global Directions | Lipetsk | +79066832690 | ask@globaldirections.ru | https://www.globaldirections.ru |
IP Smith E.A. t/a International Centre Focus | Samara | +79277345842 | younglearners@mail.ru | http://www.international-school.ru/ |
International Exam Centre | Krasnodar |
+79882420565 | als@exam-center.ru | https://www.exam-center.ru |
Itec | Moscou | 7 495 925 0508 | service@itec.com.ru | https://www.itec-school.ru |
Morgacheva Maria Sergeevna t/a Delarte Education Agency | Moscou | +79166953854 | delarte.edu@ya.ru |
Nom : | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Wibena Language Center | Kigali |
+25 0788428909 |
https://wibenalanguagecenter.rw/ |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Hamar Professional College |
Majadahonda | +25 261 495 4040 | https://www.hpc.org.so |
Sri Lanka
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Adresse e-mail | Site web |
Keyplan College of Colombo | Colombo | +94777804111 | keyplancollege@gmail.com | https://www.keyplancollege.lk |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
D Language Centre Co. Ltd. aka International House Bangkok | Bangkok |
+66 0875131116 |
https://www.ihbangkok.com/ |
Nom : | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Wanam International Togo | Lome |
+228 70 49 93 28 |
https://www.wanaminternational.org |
Name | City/Province | Phone | Website | |
Global Testing | Istanbul |
+90 5326126796 |
https://www.globaltesting.com/en/Home | |
Kolay Icerik | Ankara | +905466360056 | ozgeglrkoc@gmail.com | |
Bursa | 090 507 224 52 42 | utkuperincek@akademik.com.tr | https://akademik.com.tr |
UDK | Aksaray | +905111693368 +903822138660 |
info@udk.com.tr | https://www.udk.com.tr |
EDUWORLD ULUSLARARASI HİZMETLER YURTDIŞI EĞİTİM TURİZM DANIŞMANLIK TER. VE TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. | Ankara | +905074714579 | info@eduworld.com.tr | https://www.eduworld.com.tr |
Istanbul | +905357405009 | orhan@kalayci.com | https://www.EnUcuzSertifika.com |
Name | City/Province | Phone | Website | |
Ukrainian Medical Council | Kiev |
+ 38(044)5920575 |
http://www.medicalcouncilukraine.org/ | |
LT School | Uzhhorod | +380994403370 | lt.english.school@gmail.com |
Partenaires d'examen SELT LanguageCert
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Adresse e-mail | Site web |
Aria Delta Consulting Group |
Kaboul |
+93793108181 |
https://www.ariadelta.af |
Afrique du Sud
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Adresse e-mail | Site web |
Afrique du Sud | Pretoria |
+27 12 998 2424 |
https://www.ctutraining.ac.za |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
StudyCare | Tirana |
(+355) 67 40 39 139 |
https://www.studycare.al | |
YES! Your English School | Tirana | +355 (0) 4 431 6265 | info@yesalbania.al | http://www.yesalbania.al |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Algerian Learning Centers | Alger |
00213 5 504 15805 |
http://www.alc-dz.net |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site Web | |
Azeri Student | Bakou |
+99 4124886678 |
https://languagecert.az/ |
Brunei Darussalam
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Synergy Skills Sdn Bhd | Bandar Seri Begawan |
+6732338158 |
https://www.synergyskills.com |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Tomato Education International |
Beijing | +86010 5710 8117 | https://www.tomatoedu.com | |
Beijing Yingqiao International Education Technology | Beijing | 8613801236927 | beijingyingqiaoeducation@outlook.com |
Émirats arabes unis
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
GEMS Middle East Holding FZ LLC |
Fujairah |
+971 4 383 5323 |
https://www.learnnet.org | |
Alpha Publishing | Dubai | +971 43918658 | Ramiz.Haddadin@alphapublishing.com | https://www.alphapublishing.com |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
2g English Academy | Séville |
+34 955840398 |
https://www.2genglishacademy.com/ | |
Exito Oposiciones, Sociedad Limitada | Madrid | 0034911981405 | pedro.gascon@exitooposiciones.com | https://www.exitooposiciones.es/ |
Expert English Exams | Oviedo | 684 62 04 55 | adriana@expertenglishexams.com | https://www.expertenglishexams.com |
LanguageExams Salamanca | Salamanque | 34 923 262026 | annebarr@me.com | https://salamanca.com |
Living Languages |
Madrid | 663 882 692 | info@livinglanguages.net | https://www.livinglanguages.net |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Washington, DC |
+1-202-776-9615 |
https://www.amideast.org |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Adresse e-mail | Site web |
Linguaphone | Paris |
+33147784580 |
https://www.linguaphone.fr | |
SPEAK FORMATIONS | ROANNE | +33601992284 | contact@speak-formations.fr | https://www.speak-formations.fr |
ADE UNIVERSITY | Bordeaux | + | contact@ade-university.fr | https://www.ade-univerity.fr |
BEXFOR | Poissy | 0033 755 53 88 42 | yasmine.gouriny@bexfor.fr | https://www.bexfor.fr |
INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE FRANCE | Paris | +330144418020 | info@ilcfrance.com | https://www.ilcfrance.com |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site Internet | |
English Book Education | Tbilisi |
(+995)577346588 |
https://www.englishbookeducation.co.uk |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site Internet | |
Face2Face | Πειραιάς |
2109761102 |
https://www.facetoface.gr | |
Παπαδέα | Αιγάλεω | 2105909095 6977343819 |
papadeaefi@gmail.com | https://papadea.gr/ |
ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗ ΚΟΥΦΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ | Παλλήνη | 2106668800 | fotiskoufopoulos@gmail.com | http://www.groupkoufopoulou.gr |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Accent Language School | Guernesey |
01481 714909 |
https://www.accent.gg |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Sophiya Consultants | Patiala |
9872896646 |
https://www.sophiyaconsultants.com/ | |
Manjoorans Study Abroad | Kottayam | +91 9605354321 | admissions@manjoorans.com | https://www.manjoorans.com |
PeopleCare Business Solutions Private Limited | Bangalore | +91 98451 31638 | hari@peoplecare.in | https://www.peopleenglish.in |
CPS Global Private Limited |
Gurugram Haryana | +91 9899900020 | mayanksrivastava@cpsglobal.in | https://www.cpsglobal.in |
NR Overseas Education and Immigration |
New Delhi | +919810246966 | rameshsharma@indopacificservices.com | https://indopacificservices.com/ |
Meredian Overseas |
Jaipur | 98680747829 | amar@meridean.org | https://www.meridean.org |
Saga Studies | ARMITSAR | +61450802000 | sumit.arora@sagastudies.com.au | |
Seven Seas Solutions | Mumbai | +919892931126 | srs@worldassessments.com | https://www.worldassessments.com |
Touchstone Educationals LLP | Chandigarh | +91 172 500 0060 | info@touchstoneedu.com | https://www.touchstoneedu.com |
School of Management Sciences |
Lucknow | 8953998906 | ssrivastava@smslucknow.com | |
DIT University |
Dehradun | +9101357144025 | ict.manager@dituniversity.edu.in | https://dituniversity.edu.in |
Santa Monica | Kerala | +91 484 4140999 | director@santamonicaedu.in | https://www.santamonicaedu.in/ |
MD, Take off Educational Consultants |
Ahmedabad | +91-79-4890 2967 | rahul@takeoffeducation.com | https://www.takeoffeducation.com |
Chennai | +919840891704 | balaji@eoaindia.com |
Name | City/Province | Phone | Website | |
Avenue Centro Linguistico e Traduzioni di Luisa Simonelli |
Tione di Trento |
+390465324520 |
www.avenueclt.it | |
My English School Italy |
Florence |
+39055330199 |
admin@myes.it |
https://www.myenglishschool.it/ |
Reggio Emilia | +390522453116 |
esami@linguapoint.it |
https://www.linguapoint..it |
Name | City/Province | Phone | Website | |
Avenue Centro Linguistico e Traduzioni di Luisa Simonelli |
Tione di Trento |
+390465324520 |
www.avenueclt.it | |
My English School Italy |
Florence |
+39055330199 |
admin@myes.it |
https://www.myenglishschool.it/ |
Reggio Emilia | +390522453116 |
esami@linguapoint.it |
https://www.linguapoint..it |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site Internet | |
Unihouse | Amman |
+962 6 5373 666 |
http://www.unihouse.com.jo |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Centre de développement professionnel | Almaty |
077272207661 |
https://www.studyinn.kz | |
StudyInn | Almaty | +77773556104 | academicd@studyinn.kz |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site Internet | |
Learning & Testing Services of East Africa | Nairobi |
+254 712 135 826 |
https://lts-africa.com/ |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Adresse e-mail | Site web |
Britain International Academy |
Al-Farwaniyah | +965-22204171 | info@bia.edu.kw | https://www.bia.edu.kw |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site Web | |
Global Compass / Глобал Компас | Osh |
+99 6555899868 |
https://www.globalcompass.me/ |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Madagascar Professional Training Centre | Antananarivo | +261331843908 00261331843908 |
mptc.tana@gmail.com | https://www.mptceducation.com |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
ECCS Limited | Vacoas | +27 107 450 500 | jay@eccs-africa.com | https://www.eccs-africa.com/ |
Nom : | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Universal Language & Computer Institute | Katmandu |
+977 1-4428486 |
https://www.ulci.edu.np |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Adresse e-mail | Site web |
English Den Enterprise |
Lagos | +23408166696016 | salaudeen.w@englishden.com.ng |
https://www.englishden.com.ng |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
English Testing Services |
Faisalabad |
+923086668781 | naveedawan@testingservices.co | |
Foreign Students Services / Anjum Touseef | Mirpur, Azad Kashmir | +92 5827 435542 | uk.visasandimmigration@yahoo.com |
https://WWW.FSS.ORG.PK |
NSA Consultants & Legal Advisors |
Faisalabad |
+923008668781 |
naveedawan@nsaimmigration.com |
https://www.nsaimmigration.com |
Lahore |
+923334888441 |
naeem.mushtaq023@gmail.com |
https://www.celt.com.pk |
Future Study Partners Private |
Lahore |
+923144365017 |
info@ukstudypartners.com |
https://www.ukstudypartners.com |
AS Foreign Education Consultants Pvt |
Rawalpindi |
+923015369996 |
Info@asfeconsultants.com |
https://www.asfeconsultants.com |
TNA ( Technologies Net Alliance) |
Rawalpindi |
+923008253455 |
raees@tna.edu.pk |
https://tna.edu.pk/ |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
British International Center | BANDE DE GAZA |
+972595221221 |
https://WWW.IBC-LPE.COM |
Nom | Ville/Province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Bydgoszcz | +48600554555 | ||
Education and Testing Dr Agata Pradela | Gliwice | +48 32 370 12 92 +48 605 143 763 |
edu@dr-pradela.eu | http://dr-pradela.eu/en/ |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Language Link | Moscou |
074951092700 |
https://www.languagelink.ru | |
MANGOSTUDY LLC | Moscou | +74991124744 | info@mangostudy.ru | https://mangostudy.ru/ |
Sri Lanka
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Adresse e-mail | Site web |
Foreign Examination Bureau Pvt Ltd | Colombo | +94 112 738195 | exams@examinationbureau.com | https://www.examinationbureau.com |
Keyplan College of Colombo | Colombo | +94777804111 | keyplancollege@gmail.com | https://www.keyplancollege.lk |
Name | City/Province | Phone | Website | |
Cap Wise Company | Bangkok |
+66 816822851 |
https://www.capwise.co.th |
Nom | Ville/Province | Téléphone | Site Web | |
Wanam International Togo | Lome |
+228 70 49 93 28 |
https://www.wanaminternational.org |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
UDK | Aksaray | +905111693368 |
yakuppektas68@gmail.com | https://www.udk.com.tr |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site Web | |
Ukrainian Medical Council | Kiev |
+38 0445920575 |
https://www.medicalcouncilukraine.org/ |
Nom | Ville/province | Téléphone | Site web | |
Ruothy Educational Services | Harare |
00263774635215 |
https://www.facebook.com/RuothyEducation/ |