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LanguageCert online examinations registration centres and online examinations partners - banner

SELT Examinations Registration Centres & SELT Examinations Partners

Candidates have the option to either book SELT exams individually through the LanguageCert website, or register for SELT exams by contacting their local LanguageCert SELT Examinations Registration Centre or LanguageCert SELT Examinations Partner.

All LanguageCert SELT Examinations Registration Centres and LanguageCert SELT Examinations Partners are listed below.

LanguageCert SELT Examinations Registration Centres

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Agjensia Admin.Dhe Standartit (AAS) Street Arben Broci (Godina Liria) Tirana - 1000 +355692062100 info@aas-edu.org aas-edu.org
Britannia Languages Academy Rr. Vaso Pasha, Pll 16, H 2, Ap 13 3/B2 Tirana - 1001 +355694864047 info.britanniaacademy@gmail.com britannia.edu.al
GLOBAL BRAND Sh.p.k Unaza e Re Rruga Teodor Keko Zona Kadastrale Tirana - 3866 +355683063210 info@vivienkondoralbania.com N/A
YES Limited Pjeter Bogdani Str, Nr 5, 2nd floor 1 Tirana - 4000 +355044316265 info@yesalbania.al yesalbania.al
Educational Business Links Albania (E.B.L.A) Rruga Muhamet Gjollesha, Hyrja 1, Apartamenti 1, Zona Kadastrale Nr.8250, Nr.Pasurie 2/252+1-5 Tirana - 10001 +355672060948 xhoana@eblaedu.al eblaedu.al
Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
ALC Algerian Learning Centers 02 Rue de Savoie, Hydra Algiers - 16000 +213550415805 hacene.chaib@alc-dz.net alc-dz.net
Languages Arts School sidi Ahmed Skikda - 21000 +213795512289 languageartsschool21@gmail.com las-dz.com
Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Edumax LLC J.jabbarli 44 Baku - AZ1065 +994703332111 leyla.hamidova@edumax.az edumax.az
Boznia and Herzegovina
Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Cambridge d.o.o. Banja Luka Svetozara Markovica St 5/11 Banja Luka - 78000 +38766285743 camschoolbl@gmail.com cambridge-centar.com
Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Groupe D'Initiative Commune English Language Services Catholic Institute, Bafoussam II Sub-Devision Bafoussam - N/A +237693909092 jordin72@yahoo.co.uk icabaf.org
Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
STUDYIT-EDUCATIONAL CONSULTANCY 3-23 Cougar Cove N, Lethbridge AB Lethbridge - T1H5V4 +14037952219 info@studyit-ec.com studyit-ec.com
Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Beijing Pusite Education & Technology Future Financial Port 1-2113,Qiyi Road,Lianchi District Baoding - 071000 +8616619851233 pusitecn@126.com N/A
Beijing Hongfei International Education & Technology Ltd. no.10, Huixin Dongjie, Chaoyang District Beijing - 100029 +8601064492041 hongfei531@126.com hongfeiedu.com
Beijing New Oriental Vision Overseas Consulting Co., Ltd Floor 8, New Oriental South Building, Zhongguancun, Haidian Beijing - 100080 +861062605599 uk@xdf.cn iuxue.xdf.cn
Beijing Yingqiao International Education Technology Co., Ltd. RM118, School of English and International Studies, BFSU,2 Xisanhuan North Road, Haidian District Beijing - N/A +8613801236927 seisapplication@bfsu.edu.cn N/A
New Oriental Education & Technology Group 9th Floor, No. 6, Haidian Middle Street, Haidian District Beijing - N/A +8618612261555 wangxiaoxiao9@xdf.cn xdf.cn
Tomato Edu Co., Ltd. 6th Floor, East Tower, Building 9, Fengtai Innovation Center, Fengtai District Beijing - 100079 +8615510593567 china@tomatoedu.com tomatoedu.com
Chengdu Aoting Education Management Co. Ltd 65 Kehua North Rd, Wuhou Dist Chengdu - 610000 +861732160288 troy.yue@niet.edu.au N/A
Talent Education and Technology Limited Company Room 401-58, Unit 2, Block 3, #28 Jihua Yi Rd, Zhangcha ST, Chancheng District Foshan - 528000 +8613809853051 b.lai@gdtet.com gdtet.com
Hebei Yuanquan Cultural Exchange Co., Ltd Rm 713, Block B, Xinhezuo Plaza, No. 68 Hezuo Road, Shijiazhuang Hebei Province - 050071 +8613803397775 lumanchaoedu@126.com eduyuanquan.com
Jiangsu Phoenix Digital Education Technology Co.,Ltd. Room 1201-1202, 1205-1207, 12F, 6F Block B, Phoenix Plaza, No. 1 Hunan Road, Gulou District Nanjing - 210000 +8615951609370 shuainanhuang@outlook.com ppm.cn
Ningbo Huamao Foreign Language School No 1500 Tiantong North Road,Jiangdong District Ningbo - 315100 N/A hukl@hmedu.com hmedu.com
Languages (Qingdao) Certification & Assessment 711, Building B, Vanke, Heilongjiang South RD, Shibei District, Qingdao, Shandong Qingdao - 266000 +864006332889 lancelot@languagecert.com.cn N/A
Qingdao Broad Horizons Educational Exchange Co.,Ltd Room 901-A, Floor 9, Building 1, No. 288 Ningxia RD Shandong Qingdao - 266071 +8653285899108 info@qd-bh.com qd-bh.com
Shanghai Adcote Training School Co., Ltd. No. 9288 Waiqingsong Road, Songjiang District Shanghai - 201602 N/A lynnsun@adcotechina.com N/A
Shanghai Changtai Education Technology Co., Ltd RM 118, 20TH Building,No.1-42,Nong 83,North HongXiang Rd,WanXiang Town,Pudong New Area District Shanghai - 200333 +862160480845 test@unischol.com unischol.com
Shanghai Overseas Affairs Service Center Co, Ltd 1708,17F,No.158 Hanzhong Road Shanghai - N/A +862163540500 wuchao@17000.com.cn 17000.com.cn
Shanghai SISU Education and Training Co., Ltd Room 503 & 505 & 507, No. 433 Chifeng Road,Hongkou District Shanghai - 200083 +8615921266911 hayley@shisuedu.cn swifp.com
Shanghai Ziang Culture & Communication company Office 1212, No.200 Wending Rd., Xuhui District Shanghai - 200030 +8615618290028 Jonathanz@maxeducationgroup.com maxhomestay.com
Tianjin CamStd Technology Co., Ltd 607-4 GuanDiSanHao,Ping'an st. Hebei District Tianjin - 300011 +8618822002323 my9095@139.com iomx.com.cn
TransCulture Academy No. 23 Gulou North Street, Nankai District Tianjin - 300090 +862224147356 info@languagecert.cn languagecert.cn
Wuhan Blackhawk Education Consulting Co., Ltd 805 Building F, Hanjie Headquarters International, Zhongbei Road, Wuchang District Wuhan - 430077 +8618671671599 navytu@blackhawkedu.net blackhawkedu.com
Xi'an Highway Networks Technologies Co., Ltd Rm. 906 Building B, Haixing City Plaza, No 37 Keji Road, Gaoxin District Xi'an - 710000 +8613991231088 gongxiaoxin@hotmail.com highwayedu.cn

Cote d'Ivoire
Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Speak Easy International SARL BP 109, Cocody Danga, Rue des Jasmins, Residence Vieux Cocody - Apte 2 Abidjan - 25 +2252722446002 info@speakeasyintl.com www.speakeasyintl.com
GROUPE JIZREEL Cocody Angre Terminus des bus 81et 82 ilot I. villa 621 Abidjan - 20 BP 803 Abidjan 20 +2250708167679 monruisseau@gmail.com elearning-iupia.ci

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Learn.ed Trg 4. svibnja 533., 2 Makarska - 21300 +38598520076 edita@learned-english.com learned-english.com

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
N. L. D. PROGRESS Limited 9 Dafnis, Aradhippou Larnaca - 7100 +35799493881 nldprogress@gmail.com N/A

Czech Republic
Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
CHANNEL CROSSINGS S.R.O. Meteor Centre Office Park C Thámova 32 Praha - 18600 +420210215320 jazykovaskola@chc.cz http://www.chc.cz
Agentura Parole s.r.o. Jakoubka ze Stribra 140/21, Chomutov Praha – Stare Mesto - 43002 +420840111249 kurzy@parole.cz http://www.parole.cz/

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Osaühing International Language Services T/a International Language Services OÜ Pärnu mnt. 20 Tallinn - 10141 +3726277170 phil@ilstallinn.ee https://ilstallinn.ee

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
English Book Education LLC Vepkhistkaosani st 92 Tbilisi - 0131 +995577346588 englishbookteam@englishbook.ge https://www.englishbookeducation.co.uk

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Cambridge Institut Residenzstr. 22 Munich - 80333 +4989221115 info@cambridgeinstitut.de http://www.cambridgeinstitut.de

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ ΗΡ. ΓΚΙΟΚΑΣ Διγενή Ακρίτα 101Α Πετρούπολη - 13231 +2105019608 nakouschool@gmail.com https://nakou.edu.gr

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Kitti’s School Bristol Kft. Jelky Andras ter 3 Baja - 6500 +36209313567 info@bristolnyelviskola.hu N/A
Szechenyi Ferenc Muvelodesi - Oktatasi Alapitvany Tavasz utca 3 Barcs - 7570 +3682463326 szechenyi.vizsga@gmail.com N/A
ERKEL FERENC GIMNÁZIUM ALAPITVANYA Andrassy u. 56. Bekescsaba - 5600 +36306636333 szaszeva@indamail.hu N/A
Bonyhadi Petofi Sandor Evangelikus Gimnazium, Kollegium és Altalanos Iskola Kossuth Lajos utca 4. Bonyhád - 7150 +3674451719 nyelvvizsga.pseg@gmail.com N/A
UBBLA Audio Kft. Rákóczi u. 74. Budakeszi - 2092 +36703605499 budakeszi.angol@gmail.com N/A
ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS ASSESSMENT Soroksari ut 48. Budapest - 1095 +3616120308 info@languagecert.hu N/A
English Language Skills Assessment Services Ltd 48 Soroksári út Budapest - 1095 +3616120308 info@languagecert.hu https://www.languagecert.hu
KATEDRA OKTATASI KOZPONT KFT Schweidel utca 27. Budapest - 9022 +3617000137 gyor@katedra.hu N/A
CEGLEDI SZC KOZGAZDASAGI ÉS INFORMATIKAI SZAKGIMNAZIUMA Kossuth F. utca 32. Cegléd - 2700 +3653505090 nyelvvizsga@ckik.hu N/A
Korszeru Iskolaert Alapitvany Kelemen Didak u. 5. Debrecen - 3525 +3646508459 nyelvvizsga@ffg.sulinet.hu N/A
LANGSYS KERESKEDELMI ÉS SZOLGALTATO KFT Piac u. 40. Debrecen - 4024 +3652247586 debrecen@katedra.hu N/A
Svetits Katolikus Ovoda, Altalanos Iskola, Gimnazium es Kollegium Szent Anna u. 20-26 Debrecen - 4024 +3652533084 nyelvvizsga@svetits.hu N/A
Rian 4 You Hungary Nyelviskola Kft. Marton Aron u.27. Dunakeszi - 2120 +36203430820 info@rian4you.hu http://www.rian4you.hu/
MICSKI STUDENT 2004 KFT Trinitarius utca 2 Eger - 3300 +3636789990 eger@katedra.hu https://katedra.hu/
Bperfect Kft. Budai ut 28. 3. emelet / 7 Erd - 2030 +36202374428 bperfectnyelvstudio@gmail.com N/A
ARPAD-HAZI SZENT ERZSÉBET GIMNAZIUM, OVODA ÉS ALTALÁNOS ISKOLA Mindszenty ter 7. Esztergom - 2500 +3633509260 aszek.nyelvvizsga@gmail.com N/A
I.L.I. Nemzetkozi Nyelvek Intezete Kft. Korosfoi K. A. utca 2 Godollo - 2100 +3628511366 info@ili.hu N/A
Eszterhazy Karoly Egyetem Gyongyosi Karoly Robert Campus Matrai utca 36. Gyongyos - 3200 +3637518347 gy.nyelvvizsga@uni-eszterhazy.hu N/A
Gyori MSZC Pattantyus-Abraham Geza Ipari Szakgimnaziuma és Szakkozepiskolaja Ikva utca 70 Gyor - 9024 +3696429242 pagisz.nyelvvizsga@gmail.com N/A
Best Exam Nyelviskola Bt Dobay u. 4/b Gyula - 5700 +36306636333 info@bestexam.hu N/A
Exam Focus Nyelviskola Cserjes utca 12. Gyula - 5700 +36306636333 info@e-focus.hu N/A
Nemeth Laszlo Gimnazium, Altalanos Iskola Nemeth Laszlo utca 16 Hodmezovasarhely - 6800 +3662533137 nyelvvizsga@nlg.httpf.hu N/A
TALENTUM NYELVISKOLA KAPOSVAR KFT Ezredev u. 22. Kaposvar - 7400 +3682412127 kaposvar@katedra.hu N/A
Szalezi Szent Ferenc Gimnazium Joszerencset ut 2 Kazincbarcika - 3700 +3648510050 LanguageCert.szalezi@gmail.com N/A
ALTERNATIVE ENGLISH SCHOOL BT Kohid utca 19 Kecskemet - 6000 +3676485561 office@alternative.hu N/A
Constantinum Katolikus Óvoda, Általános iskola, Gimnázium, Technikum, Kollégium Petőfi Sándor u. 2. Kiskunfélegyháza - 6100 +3676431786 nyelvvizsga.constantinum@gmail.com N/A
Varday Kata Reformatus Altalanos Iskola, Gimnazium es Kollegium Florian ter 5. Kisvarda - 4600 +3645406021 refi.kisvarda.langcert@gmail.com N/A
Jurisich Miklos Gimnazium és Kollegium Hunyadi Janos utca 10. Koszeg - 9730 +3694360131 jmg.nyelvvizsga@gmail.com N/A
Makói József Attila Gimnázium Csanád vezér tér 6. Mako - 6900 +360662510932 nyelvvizsga@jozsefa-mako.edu.hu N/A
Koranyi Frigyes Gorogkatolikus Altalanos Iskola, Gimnazium es Kollegium Korányi Frigyes ut 27. Nagykallo - 4320 +3642563018 nyelvvizsga@nkgim.hu N/A
Dr. Mezo Ferenc Gimnazium Platan sor 3 Nagykanizsa - 8800 +36304019344 mezocertnyelvvizsga@mfg.hu N/A
Nagykanizsai SZC Zsigmondy Vilmos Szakkepzo Iskolaja Hunyadi utca 16-18 Nagykanizsa - 8800 +3693518900 nyelvvizsga@zsvszi.hu N/A
ILS NYELVISKOLA KFT Szechenyi utca 9. Nyiregyhaza - 4400 +3642313315 info@ilsnyh.hu ilsnyh.hu
Nyiregyhazi Evangelikus Kossuth Lajos Gimnazium Szent Istvan ut 17-19 Nyiregyhaza - 4400 +3642410031 nyelvvizsga@eklg.hu N/A
Központi Iroda Kft. Szarvas u. 22. Nyíregyháza - 4400 +36206693372 nyelvvizsga.kozpontiiroda@gmail.com N/A
Ocsai Bolyai Janos Gimnazium Falu Tamas utca 35. Ocsa - 2364 +3629378045 nyelvvizsga@bogim.hu N/A
Best Exam Nyelviskola Bt. Táncsics utca 2-4. Oroshaza - 5900 +36303211661 bestexam@indamail.hu N/A
ENERGETIKAI SZAKGIMNAZIUM ÉS KOLLEGIUM Dozsa Gyorgy ut 95 Paks - 7030 +3675519300 nyelvvizsga@eszi.hu N/A
TURR ISTVAN GIMNAZIUM ES KOLLEGIUM Fo utca 10. Papa - 8500 +3689324394 nyelvvizsga@turrgimnazium.hu N/A
CISZTERCI REND NAGY LAJOS GIMNAZIUMA Szechenyi ter 11. Pecs - 7621 +3672312888 ms.borsos.erzsebet@gmail.com N/A
Pecsi SZC Radnoti Miklos Kozgazdasagi Szakgimnaziuma Esztergar L. ut 6. Pecs - 7633 +36703992832 nyelvvizsga.radnoti.pecs@gmail.com N/A
BOLYAI JANOS ALAPITVANY Kissomlyo ut 1 Salgotarjan - 3100 +3632310394 bolyainyelvvizsga@gmail.com N/A
SAROSPATAKI REFORMATUS KOLLEGIUM GIMNAZIUMA, ALTALANOS ISKOLAJA ÉS DIAKOTTHONA Rakoczi ut 1. Sarospatak - 3950 +3647311039 refi.nyelvvizsga.sp@gmail.com N/A
BERZSENYI DANIEL EVANGELIKUS (LICEUM) GIMNAZIUM ES KOLLEGIUM Szechenyi ter 11 Sopron - 9400 +3699512430 lc@bdeg.hu N/A
SZEGEDI DEAK FERENC GIMNAZIUM Jozsef Attila sgt. 118-120 Szeged - 6723 +3662620180 dfg.nyelvvizsga@gmail.com N/A
Szegedi SzC Gabor Denes Szakgimnaziuma és Szakkozepiskolaa Mars ter 14 Szeged - 6724 +3662558750 nyelvvizsga@ms.gdszeged.hu N/A
Ciszterci Szent Istvan Gimnazium Jokai u. 20. Szekesfehervar - 8000 +36304030073 languagecert.ciszter@gmail.com N/A
Bristol School Kft. Kadarka u. 25-27. Szekszard - 7100 +36209313567 languagecertszekszard@gmail.com N/A
Certexam kft. Rakoczi u. 6. Szentendre - 2000 +36308501269 N/A N/A
Oxford School 98 Nyelviskola Kft. Sohaz u. 8. 1. emelet 2 Szolnok - 5000 +3656342626 info@oxfordschool.hu oxfordschool.hu
Szolnoki Szakképzési Centrum Baross út 37/A. Szolnok - 5000 +36203161347 nyelvvizsga.szolnokiszc@szolmusz.hu N/A
Brenner János Ovoda, Altalanos Iskola, Gimnazium es Kollegium Tancsics Mihaly u. 48. Szombathely - 9700 3694505212 brenner@martinus.hu N/A
Tamasi Beri Balogh Adam Katolikus Gimnazium, Kollégium, Altalanos Iskola és Ovoda Bezeredj Istvan utca 1 Tamasi - 7090 +3674471633 languagecerttamasi@gmail.com N/A
Szechenyi Istvan Baptista Kozepiskola Moricz Zsigmond u. 8 Tapolca - 8300 +3687411287 nyelvvizsga.tapolca@gmail.com N/A
Tatai Reformatus Gimnazium Kossuth tér 10-11 Tata - 2890 +3634586576 nyelvvizsga.refitata@gmail.com N/A
Bardos Laszló Gimnazium Gal I. ltp. 701. Tatabanya - 2800 +3634339571 nyelvvizsga.bardos@gmail.com N/A
Kossuth Lajos Gimnazium és Altalanos Iskola Baross u.36. Tiszafured - 5350 +3656511114 titkar@kossuth-tfured.sulinet.hu N/A
CAM-DEB Cambridge Nyelvoktató és Vizsgáztató Kft Deák Ferenc tér 16. Tiszaujvaros - 3580 +36203454208 titkarsag@cambridgenyelviskola.hu N/A
VACI SZAKKEPZESI CENTRUM I. GEZA KIRALY KOZGAZDASAGI SZAKKOZEPISKOLAJA Geza Kiraly ter 8. Vac - 2600 +3627504245 elsogeza.titkarsag@igk.hu N/A
VSZC Boronkay György Műszaki Technikum és Gimnázium Németh László utca 4-6 Vac - 2600 +3627317077 nyelvvizsga.boronkay.vac@gmail.com N/A
NormAnna 2012. Szolgáltató Kft. Arany Janos u. 71. Vecses - 2220 +36708858556 info@diadalnyelviskola.hu N/A
Veresegyhazi Katolikus Gimnazium Fo ut 117-125. Versegyhaz - 2112 +36203525882 lcnyelvvizsga@verka.hu N/A
VETESI ALBERT GIMNAZIUM Kemecse utca 1 Veszprem - 8200 +3688560790 nyelvvizsgakozpont@vetesi.hu N/A
SPRINT-L OKTATASI BT Rakoczi Ferenc utca 4-8. Zalaegerszeg - 8900 +3692347900 sprint-l@sprint-l.hu N/A
Zalaegerszegi Ady Endre Altalanos Iskola, Gimnazium es AMI Kisfaludy u. 2. Zalaegerszeg - 8900 +3692596390 nyelvvizsga@ady-zala.sulinet.hu N/A

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Saga Studies Private Limited Sco 108 Ranjit Avenue Armitsar - 143001 +61450802000 sumit.arora@sagastudies.com.au https://www.sagastudies.com
Touchstone Educationals LLP Sco 88-89, 4th floor, Sector 17 C Chandigarh - 160017 +919779995641 info@touchstoneedu.com https://www.touchstoneedu.com
Ducis Management Consulting Private Limited at D1/131, 1st Floor, Sector 16, Rohini Dehradun - 110085 +919818023130 smohal@ducisgroup.com http://www.ducisgroup.com/
Institute Of Management Studies Mussoorie Diversion Road, Makkawala Dehradun - 248009 +9101357144025 ict.manager@dituniversity.edu.in https://dituniversity.edu.in
Ankita Srivastava 3rd Floor, G 308, Sushant Shopping Arcade, Park Plaza Hotel, Sushant Lok Phase 1 Gurugram Haryana - 122009 +919899900020 mayanksrivastava@cpsglobal.in https://www.cpsglobal.in
BOLUMPALLI JAIDEV REDDY 101, Laxmi Nivas, Ameerpet Hyderabad - 500016 +919985082439 jaidev@merakijr.com https://merakijr.com
Global Tree Careers Pvt Ltd 3rd Floor, 6-3-879 & 879/B/2, Greenlands, Begumpet Hyderabad - 500016 +919885228854 srikar@globaltree.in https://www.globaltree.in
UNI2GO PRIVATE LIMITED 3-5-1092/5/1, Narayanguda Hyderabad, Telangana - 500029 +9104066665660 info@uni2go.in https://www.uni2go.in
MERIDEAN OVERSEAS EDUCATION CONSULTANTS PRIVATE LIMITED Plot no 7, 1st Floor, Vaishali Marg, Ganga Sagar-B, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302021 Jaipur - 302021 +919351115627 amar@meridean.org https://www.meridean.org
RUPESH DUGGAL 938, Cambridge Tower, near Narinder Cinema, behind Prestige Chamber Jalandhar, Punjab - 144001 +911815094955 info@cambridge.services https://www.cambridgedu.com
M/S Prodigy Immigration and Settlement Services Digiana Camp, Opp. Gurudwara Jammu - 180010 +916006800600 info@prodigyimmigration.com www.prodigyimmigration.com
DINESH MALHOTRA Sco-321, Mugal Canal Karnal - 132001 +919896125886 dinesh.malhotra@theorangegroup.in www.theorangegroup.in
Santamonica Study Abroad Private Limited 1st Floor Bio-Arcade Building, Justice Chandrasekharan Menon Road (Old name -Layam Road), Near Maharaja's College Ground, MG Road, Kochi Kerala - 682011 +919447713000 N/A www.santamonicaedu.in
John Eusebio Dsouza 5th Floor, 503, Synergy Premises CHS, Kach Pada, Nr Hotel Khwaishh Presidency, Malad West Mumbai - 400064 +912240135625 john.dsouza@theenglishadvantage.in www.theenglishadvantage.in
M/S AVF Consultants No. 22, 1st Floor, Nalanda Shopping Center, Station Road Mumbai - 400062 +919820019866 alvito@studyandworkabroad.in www.studyandworkabroad.in
RINKU SUJAN SHAH Baba saheb institute next to Maratha Mandir Mumbai - 400008 +919892931126 srs@worldassessments.com www.worldassessments.com
Gresham Global 1206, Signature Business Park, Postal Colony Road, Chembur East Mumbai - 400 071 +919773911384 official@gresham.world official@gresham.world
N.R. Overseas Education and Immigration Consultants Private Limited 1st floor, 5/217, Subhash Nagar New Delhi - 110024 +919810246966 rameshsharma@indopacificservices.com www.indopacificservices.com
Sophiya Consultants Sco 2-4, Leela Bhawan Patiala - 147001 +919872896646 g_sofia1@yahoo.com www.sophiyaconsultants.com
FOREVER EDUCATION PRIVATE LIMITED Seeta Geeta Str, Ghagga Road, Patiala, Punjab Samana - 147101 +919888333632 office1@forevereducations.com N/A
FAC International Education Private Limited 301,302,307, Millenium Mall, Station Road, Bardoli Surat - 394601 +919879433383 info@firstachieverconsultants.com www.firstachieverconsultants.com
VIRANI SOFTTECH PRIVATE LIMITED A-805, Rjd Business Hub, Gajera Circle Road, Katargam Surat - 395004 +912612482512 admin@viranisoftech.com Viranisoftech.com
KARAMBIR KAUR 40-6/2-2, Shriya Complex, Revenue Colony Vijayawada - 520010 +918985664888 bebestconsultants@gmail.com www.bebestconsultants.com

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Salahaddin Rafeeq Baker Erbil, Kirkuk Road Erbil - 44001 +9647504478259 info@dilmaninstitute.com www.DilmanInstitute.com
Interchange Institute Sulaimani, Interchange Building, Building No. 80, Twi Malik Street Sulaimani - 46001 +964533237363 info@Interchange.krd Facebook Page
Nostalgia Institute for Languages and Human Development Sulaymaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan Region, St. Chawarbakh Sulaymaniyah - 46001 +9647707688666 h.haval@nostalgiainst.com www.nostalgiainst.com

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Louth English Creative Spark, Clontygora Ct Dundalk, Louth - A91 HF77 00353871238415 caoimhe@louthenglish.ie N/A

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Study Abroad - Ahmad Mahameed Sderot Ben Gurion 33 Haifa - 3502126 +972544900376 ashkra@gmail.com N/A

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
ENGLISH CENTRE DI WOODALL JAMES PAUL Via Promis 8 Aosta - 11100 +390165235416 info@englishcentreaosta.it www.englishcentreaosta.it
BRITANNIA HOUSE S.A.S. DI VISCHETTI MICHELE & C. Via Monte Velino 107 Avezzano - 67051 +393451192997 britanniahouse@hotmail.it britanniahouse.it
A.R.P.A. ONLUS Via Diego D'Amico No. 53 Bagheria - 90011 +393488131643 amministrazione@master-formazione.it www.master-formazione.it
Sharpertok SNC di del Vecchio Marcenao B.E. & Rodriguez Colorado F.E. Piazzale Cadorna, 21 Bassano del Grappa - 36061 +390424525075 bassano@britishschool.com www.britishschoolbassano.com
CAMBRIDGE SRL Via Mameli 46 Cagliari - 09124 +39070654955 amministrazione.anglo@gmail.com www.angloamericancenter.it
Cambridge School di Pezzano Federica Via Raffaelli 34 Catanzaro - 88100 +390961541870 cambridge.school@alice.it www.cambridgeschool-cz.it
INACUS Istituto Nazionale di Cultura e Solidarieta Via Galliano 4/D Cosenza - 87100 +3909841904451 info@inacus.it www.inacus.it
CAMBRIDGE ACADEMY S.R.L. Via Gioberti 128 Foggia - 71122 +390881611140 direzione@cambridgeacademyfg.com www.cambridgeacademyfoggia.it
EUFORM LANGUAGE DI DI TIZIO MARCO Via Nazionale Adriatica 3c Ca Francavilla al Mare (CH) - 66023 +393288484700 marco.ditizio@eu-form.it N/A
CENTRO LEONARDO SOCIETA' A RESPONSABILITA' LIMITATA SEMPLIFICATA Via Giosuè Carducci 17 Latina - 04100 +390773283001 info@centroleonardo.eu www.centroleonardo.eu

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
International Center for Languages 3 kamel oraiqat Bldg. name lawzi Amman - N/A +962770305035 khsinternational2019@yahoo.com N/A
University House Co. for Consultation and Studies Queen Rania Al- Abdullah Street 371 Amman - 11941 +96265373666 info.jordan@unihouseco.com www.unihouse.com.jo
Village Curtures Company for Education and Training Business Park Development zone, 284, 5Alkursi, 7/Oasis 500, Ground floor - Office no.124 Amman - N/A +962770816162 Mousa@culturesvillage.com culturesvillage.com

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
ANGELSTREAM LLP Business Center “Bayzak”, Ave. Abay 52 B, Office 420 Almaty - A15E1Y8 +77272920330 info@angelstream.com angelstream.com

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Computer Pride Limited 1st Floor JKUAT Towers Kenyatta Avenue Nairobi - 42656 - 00100 +254705900900 wambari@computer-pride.co.ke computer-pride.co.ke
ICT Mentors Solutions Ltd 2nd floor, St Georges House, Room 222, P.O. Box 4587 Nairobi - 00100 +254722710833 info@ict-mentors.com ict-mentors.com
Learning & Testing Services of East Africa P.O Box 36732 Nairobi - 00200 +254712135826 info@lts-africa.com lts-africa.com

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Britain International Academy Block 10, Isa Al Qatami Street. Building # 34. Salmiyah Al-Farwaniyah - N/A +96522204171 info@bia.edu.kw bia.edu.kw
Easy Apply Commission Agent EST Office 36, M1, Sanabel Tower, Sharq Kuwait city - N/A +447575223081 valentina@easyapplyuk.com N/A

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
EURO MULTI SERVICE LLC 42/2 Isanov Str., office 306 Bishkek - 720017 +996703777330 ceo@emsacademy.kg emsacademy.kg
GLOBAL KOMPAS LLC Erkindik 64B, apt.10 Osh - 720040 +996555899868 info@globalcompass.me facebook.com/globalcompassme

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Satva t/as International House Riga A.Kalnina 1A Riga - LV-1050 +37167226641 exams@ihriga.lv ihriga.lv

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Madagascar Professional Training Centre Lot c 117 bis Andranomena Antananarivo - 101 +261331843908 mptc.tana@gmail.com mptceducation.com

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
PRIME LANGUAGE COURSES LTD 92, Triq IL- Hida Kappara San Gwann - SGN 4103 +35679264300 info@primelanguagecourses.com primelanguagecourses.com

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Viajes Academicos VIAC Educational Agency Washington 733 Int. 4 Veracruz - 91919 +522291471494 eric@viac.com.mx viac.com.mx

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
PRIVATNA USTANOVA ORGANIZATOR OBRAZOVANJA ODRASLIH “PORTA APERTA” PODGORICA Moskovska 127/9 Podgorica - 81000 +38220228199 education@portaaperta.me portaaperta.me

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Headway Consulting (Pty) Ltd P.O. Box 24951 Windhoek Windhoek - 9000 +26461401695 Jan@headway.com.na headway.com.na

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
EDUPLAN LIMITED 1 Badagry Street, Off Aba Johnson Street Ikeja, Lagos - N/A +2348027442902 dare@eduplan360.com N/A
Training Heights Limited 2, Bamishile Street, Off Allen Avenue Ikeja, Lagos - N/A +2348037154520 info@trainingheights.net www.trainingheights.net
WhiteRock Educational Services ltd P.O. Box 4257 Ikeja, Lagos - 100001 +2348027064949 simonfemi@yahoo.com www.whiterock-edu.com
Besor Associates 17 Akinremi street, Connak Ikeja, Lagos State - 100001 +23414537753 admissions@besorassociates.com www.besorassociates.com
99 terse services Ojo, Lagos Lagos - 102101 +2349025751789 Paulisshogun@yandex.com payterse.com
Bellaz Connection Systems Limited 56 Ogunlana Drive Lagos - 101241 +2348060725686 ogechi@bellazeducation.com www.bellazeducation.com
English Den Enterprise 5, Jokogbola Street, Off Ikorodu Club, Gbasemo, Aga Lagos - N/A +23408166696016 salaudeen.w@englishden.com.ng www.englishden.com.ng
Mack IV Koncepts Adedayo House, 36, Lagos-abeokuta Expressway, Cement Bus Stop, Agege Lagos - 10001 +2348027018133 director@mackivconsult.org www.mackivconsult.org
Procept Associates Professional Services Ltd 32, Fobtob Building, Isaac John Street Lagos - 100271 +2348022230833 oduko@procept.com procept.com
Hydratech Innovations Systems Solutions Limited Plot 30 Muyibat Oyefusi Cr Omole, Lagos - 100213 +2347089996942 oluwaseunfad@gmail.com www.hydratechinnovations.com
Swintec Nigeria Limited 5/9 Hospital/Orlu Road Owerri - N/A +2348033315602 swinteccomputer@yahoo.com swinteconline.net
Maczey Concept LTD 50 Mbonu Street, D line Port Harcourt - N/A +2348038411326 envisiona@yahoo.com maczeyeducation.com
Leomarkspot School Net Nigeria LTD. No. 8 Ernest Ikoli Street, Old GRA Port Harcourt, Rivers State - 500241 +2348033269030 schoolnetnigeria@gmail.com N/A

North Macedonia
Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Company for Foreign Languages LINGVALINK LTD VASIL GJORGOV St No. 33 Skopje - 1000 +38970227202 majanstojkova@gmail.com www.lingualink.com.mk
M7 TEST CENTER DOOEL Naroden Front bb BC Beverli Hils /3rd floor local 16 Skopje - 1000 +38970880770 majalevkovska@gmail.com www.m7testcenter.com

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
NSA Consultants & Legal Advisors 4-Z-J, Chenab Market, Behind Soneri Bank, Susan Road Faisalabad - N/A +92300 866 8781 naveedawan@nsaimmigration.com www.nsaimmigration.com
FATIMA ALI PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL Plot No 986, Sector 11/C, Madina Colony, Orangi Town, Karachi West Orangi Town Karachi - N/A +922136660444 admin@fapss.edu.pk www.fapss.edu.pk
Institute of Career Development ICD House 107 Mamdot Block Mustafa Town Whadet Rd Lahore - 54600 +923111999100 info@icd.org.pk www.icd.org.pk

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
British International Center B.3 Court Street, Nusairat Gaza Strip - P900 +972595221221 imadelraie@gmail.com ibc-lpe.com

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Agnieszka Smyrska ul. Obfita 11A Bielsko-Biała - 43-300 +48506134310 agnieszkasmyrska@wp.pl N/A
P.H.U FOX Iwona Wójtowicz-Brzezińska ul. Szkolna nr 25, lok. 6 Bielsko-Biała - 43-300 +48604279764 wojbrze@wp.pl N/A
Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Brzegu ul. Piastowska 14 Brzeg - 49-300 +48774160070 wojciech.ratajek@wshe.edu.pl N/A
OXFORDON JANUSZ DARGIEWICZ Daszynskiego 9 Bydgoszcz - 85-791 +48600554555 janusz@studiawanglii.pl N/A
Wyższa Szkoła Społeczno-Ekonomiczna w Gdańsku Rajska 6 Gdańsk - 80-850 +48585005222 b.browarczyk@tlen.pl wsse.edu.pl
Education and Testing Dr Agata Pradela Chełmońskiego 3 Gliwice - 44-100 +48323701292 edu@dr-pradela.eu dr-pradela.eu
Szkoła Języków Obcych INFINITY Andrzej Kowalski ul. Siewna, nr 44 Kraków - 31-231 +48123950608 info@infinity.edu.pl infinity.edu.pl
Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Nowym Targu Kokoszków 71 Nowy Targ - 34-400 N/A sylwia.gesikowska@ppwsz.home.pl ans-nt.edu.pll
MAGDALENA JASIURSKA-KWIECIEŃ Bielska 57 M6, 45-401 Opole - 45-401 +48515100464 elc8383@gmail.com N/A
Aneta Rusinek de Souza LYNKO academy Kościuszki 27a, M4, III floor Piaseczno - 05-500 +48530133153 aneta@lynko.eu lynko.academy
Akademia Handlowa Nauk Stosowanych w Radomiu 61a Traugutta Street Radom - 26-600 +48483632290 kontakt@ahns.pl ahns.pl

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
STUDYWING - ASSOCIAÇÃO Rua dos Foros de Amora, nº179 r/c esq. Amora - 2845-004 +351912794676 p.melro@studywing.org studywing.org
Royal School of Languages Rua José Rabumba, 2 Aveiro - 3810-125 +351234429156 rsl@royalschooloflanguages.pt royalschooloflanguages.pt
IDIOMAS & MEMORIAS - UNIPESSOAL LDA Rua Dr. Lopes Batista 55 Cartaxo - 2070-094 +3514588356 aneta@lynko.pt lynko.academy
Speak to me Unipessoal LDA Praça Mário Azevedo Gomes No 421 - 1º Parede - 2775-240 +351214561771 speakwell@speakwell.pt speakwell.pt

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Centre of International Studies Mihai Viteazul 164 Brasov - 500183 +40727704567 contact@centrofis.ro centrofis.ro

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Wibena Language Center KN4 Avenue, Centenavy Hse Kigali - 250 +250788428909 info@wibenalanguagecenter.rw wibenalanguagecenter.rw

South Africa
Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
RED CIRCLE LEARNING 19 Matika Lifestyle Estate Capricorn Road Johannesburg - 2191 +27766893568 jeanne@englishforukvisas.com englishforukvisas.com
The Language Lab CC 54 De Korte Street, Braamfontein Johannesburg - 2001 +273391051 malobam@ihjoburg.co.za ihjoburg.co.za

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Olanta Limited Ronda De Nelle 117 1º IZQ A Coruña - 15010 +34644494609 admin@englishcert.es englishcert.es
EXAMINATE CEM, S.L Calle Del Amor, 2,4º,1 Almería - 04005 +34639675576 fla@examinate.net examinate.net
ENGLISH WORLDWIDE, S.L. Calle Aribau, Num. 240, planta 7 Barcelona - 08006 +34619277349 jfigarola@abaenglish.com abaenglish.com
Impact Education International SL Consell de Cent 217 Barcelona - 08011 +34652836301 management@certifyeducation.org certifyeducation.org
David Michael Hannon Calle Lavadero, 2 Cúllar Vega - 18195 +34958058650 direccion@aspireformacion.com aspireidiomas.com
CSE MURCIA ESTUDIOS S.L.U. Avenida de Andalucía, 36 Fuente Álamo de Murcia - 30320 +34645835345
office@csemurcia.com csemurcia.com
CAMBRIDGE INSTITUTE GROUP, S.L. Plaza de España 6 Madrid - 28008 +34917587555 eusebiopacha@cambridgeinstitute.net cambridgeinstitute.net
CES CAMPUSMANIA, SL Plaza Fábrica de Paños, 2 Local 8 Madrid - 28830 +34916726262 central@edukaland.com edukaland.com
Dana Roxana Metes Calle Aceuchal 4, local AB Madrid - 28019 +34634420275 danaroxana.metes@gmail.com salondeidiomas.es
Living Languages SL Plaza Cortes, 4, Planta 7 , Puerta Izd Madrid - 28014 +34663882692 info@livinglanguages.net livinglanguages.net
USAcademy S.L. Paseo de la Castellana, 40, planta 8 Madrid - 28046 +34644717986 admin@usacademy.es usacademy.es
DREAMING CALIFORNIA CURSOS DE IDIOMAS SL Travesía de Navaluenga 3 Majadahonda - 28221 +34653777780 info@dreamingcalifornia.es dreamingcalifornia.es
Spanglish People Development and Language Services, SL Calle Mayor 106 Vera - 04620 +34950390037 ksastrias@espanglish.net espanglish.net

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
UDK Egitim Bilisim Danismanlik Ve Yay. Hiz.Turizm Tic. San. Ltd. Sti. Zincirli Mah. 505. Sk. Güney İşh. No: 1 D No:1 Aksaray - 68100 +905111693368 yakuppektas68@gmail.com udk.com.tr
EDUWORLD ULUSLARARASI HİZMETLER YURTDIŞI EĞİTİM TURİZM DANIŞMANLIK TER. VE TİC.LTD.ŞTİ. Remzi Oguz Arik Mah. Bestekar Cad. 61A/8 Cankaya Ankara - 06680 +905074714579 burcu@eduworld.com.tr eduworld.com.tr
KOLAY ICERIK EGITIM YAZILIMLARI A.S. Harbiye Mah. Zarif Sk. 7/3 Çankaya Ankara - 06460 +905466360056 ozgeglrkoc@gmail.com N/A
ACADEMIC YABANCI DIL KURSLARI SANAYI VE TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI Ihsaniye Mah. Can Sk. No:2/1 Kat:6 Nilufer Bursa - 16100 +905072245242 N/A akademik.com.tr
EDEX YURTDIŞI EĞİTİM DIŞ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ Cihannuma Mah., Barbaros Boulevard. No: 45/1, Besiktas Istanbul - 34353 +905328690339 dozmen@edex.com.tr edex.com.tr
ENDLESS GRUP EĞİTİM BİLİŞİM FUARCILIK ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Gulbahar Mah Cemal Sahir Sok No 26-28, Profilo Plaza Istanbul - 34394 +905444164538 basakaras@vef.com.tr endlessabroad.com.tr
GTTC GLOBAL EGITIM HIZMETLERI ANONIM SIRKETI IDTM B2 Blok 12-1 Yeşilköy Istanbul - 34180 +905326126796 eminatli@globaltesting.com globaltesting.com/en/Home
KALAYCI EGITIM DANISMANLIK TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI / KALAYCI training & consulting limited corp. Dumankaya Ikon A2 - 118 Ornek Mah. Atasehir Istanbul - 34704 +905357405009 orhan@kalayci.com EnUcuzSertifika.com
ORBIS YURTDISI EGITIM DANISMANLIGI TURIZM SEYAHAT ACENTELIGI Cihannüma Mah. Barbaros Blv. No:33, Flat 1 Istanbul - 34353 +902122585836 baris@orbisedu.com.tr orbisedu.com.tr
Turkish Universities Admissions Service Araştirma Geliştirme Eğitim Danişmanlik Ve Denetim Hzm.Ltd.Şti. Eğitim Mah.Fahrettin Kerim Gökay Cad.Marmara Uni.N:151/Akadiköy Istanbul - 34722 +905447394488 info@tuas.com.tr N/A

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Sharz Limited 14 Jokasa House, Nakasero Road, Central Divi Kampala - N/A +256393241279 info@sharzconsults.com sharzconsults.com

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Ukrainian Medical Council 25/40 Ivan Franko Str, Office 2 Kiev - 01030 +380445920575 education@mcu.org.ua medicalcouncilukraine.org
INTERNATIONAL HOUSE-KYIV LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 10-g Starokyivska Street Kyiv - 04116 +380674403305 school@ihkyiv.com ihkyiv.com
TOVKANETS IVAN IVANOVYCH 4 Korzo Street Uzhhorod - 88000 +380994403370 lt.english.school@gmail.com N/A

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Alpha Education for Publishing & Distribution Limited FZ LLC Office 1101, Tower C, Opus Tower by Omniyat Dubai - 93034 +97143918658 mattias.ardfelt@alphapublishing.com alphapublishing.com
Scholars Training Institute 902-903, Belresheed Towers-1, Buhaira Corniche, NMC Building, Al Majaz Sharjah - 23823 +971522188477 scholarsinstitutesharjah@gmail.com N/A

United Kingdom
Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
THE ROBERT GORDON UNIVERSITY THE ENERGY UNIVERSITY LTD Garthdee House, Garthdee Road Aberdeen - AB10 7QB 4400012345678 d.simpson@rgu.ac.uk www.rgu.ac.uk
Languages United Ltd 66 Walcot Street Bath - BA1 5BD 4401225580058 info@languagesunited.co.uk languagesunited.co.uk
UK STUDENT SOLUTIONS LTD Flat 11, Beney Court, 18 Fairfield Road Beckenham - BR33LD 447714396648 veronica@ukstudentsolutions.com ukstudentsolutions.com
D.F.P.F. LIMITED 89 Malone Road Belfast - BT9 6SP +4402890669669 b.daly@people-1st.co.uk www.people-1st.co.uk
Argun Test Centre Ltd Suite 217c 123-131 Bradford Street, West Midlands Birmingham - B12 0NS +447830888928 admin@arguncentre.co.uk www.arguncentre.co.uk/
BANGLADESH WOMENS ASSOCIATION 497 Coventry Road Birmingham - B10 0JS +4401217667990 bwaamina@yahoo.co.uk



Extra Learning UK Ltd 104 High street Birmingham - B66 1AA +4407888650725 info@exluk.com www.exluk.com
Achieve UK Training Ltd 95 Grove Lane, Handsworth Birmingham, West Midlands - B21 9HF +441214542525 contact@achieveuktraining.com www.achieveuktraining.com
MA Consultants 7-8 Richmond Terrace Blackburn - BB1 7BD +4401254672075 maconsultants1@gmail.com N/A
Educational Training Centre UK Limited 24 West Hill Road Bournemouth - BH2 5PG +41202780162 davidjones@etc-inter.net www.etc-inter.net
Eurostudies (Bournemouth) Ltd 97 Commercial Road Bournemouth - BH25RT +4401202774100 info@eurostudies.co.uk www.eurostudies.co.uk
LondonHelp4u Consultancy Ltd 6 Poole Hill Bournemouth - BH2 5PS +442076368500 francine@londonhelp4u.co.uk londonhelp4u.co.uk/
Sahara Student Services. Office 15, Pine Court Centre, 36 Gervis Road Bournemouth - BH1 3DH +441202585522 info@saharass.co.uk N/A
Cambridge Seminars College Ltd 87-89 Cherry Hinton Road Cambridge - CB1 7BS +4401223313464 phil.scherb@csc.uk www.cambridgeseminarscollege.co.uk
HP & KP LTD 13 Tillyard Way Cambridge - CB1 8QT +447469097686 info@britishenglishschool.co.uk www.britishenglishschool.co.uk/
THE NEXT UNI LTD 11. First Floor East Park Crawley - RH10 6AG +44012931583300 info@thenextuni.com www.thenextuni.com/
My Education (UK) Limited Wessex House, Upper Market Street Eastleigh - SO50 9FD +4402380970924 nicky@myeducationuk.co.uk www.myeducationuk.co.uk/
LEADING IMMIGRATION LTD. Flat 1 Leamington House 23 Stonegrove Edgware, London - HA8 7TN +4407432444424 leadingimmigration@gmail.com www.leadingimmigration.co.uk/
Veritas Mundi Education Ltd. 9 The Timms, Stanford in the Vale Faringdon - SN7 8FX +447424200027 Kamila.malavia@veritas-mundi.com www.veritas-mundi.com/
Solution Desk Limited Bewise Point, 221-227 High Road Harrow - HA3 5EE +4402035816696 contact@learningpro.co.uk learningpro.co.uk
A.J. Immigration Services Unit 12a Brickfields Industrial Estate, Finway Road Hemel Hempstead - HP2 7QA +443333223933 angelica@ajimmigration.co.uk www.ajimmigration.co.uk
Leeds immigration advice centre Princes Exchange, Princes Square Leeds - LS1 4HY +448003688107 info@leedsimmigrationadvicecentre.com www.leedsimmigrationadvicecentre.com
LEGAL TRANSLATIONS IMMIGRATION CONSULTANCY LIMITED Unit 212, Vanilla Factory 39 Fleet Street Liverpool - L1 4AR +4407494760824 Armani.gordon@mvsimmigration.co.uk mvsimmigration.squarespace.com/
LIFETIME EDUCATION & TRAINING LTD Crawford House, 2 Gwent St. Liverpool - L8 8DN +4407760720930 paul@lifetimeeducationandtraining.co.uk www.lifetimeeducationandtraining
Maria Consultancy London Ltd 38A The Broadway, Southall London - UB1 1PT +447830652989 info@mariaconsultancy.co.uk www.mariaconsultancy.co.uk
A R Legal Consultancy 449 Highly street, North East Ham London - E12 6TJ +4407894469436 abid.rehman14@gmail.com www.arlegalconsultancy.co.uk/
ATAVA LIMITED 124 City Road, EC1V 2NX, London London - EC1V 2NX +447798610977 angela.taylor@atava.co.uk www.atava.co.uk
Bridge Training (UK) Ltd Challenge House, 616 Mitcham Road London - CR0 3AA +4402080907037 dclaudine@bridgetraininguk.co.uk www.bridgetraininguk.co.uk
BSI School International Limited 9 Seagrave Road London - SW6 1RP +4439010540903 management@bsinternational.co.uk bsinternational.co.uk
Easte LTD 27 Old Gloucester Street London - WC1N 3AX +4407786067076 atanas@chikov.com www.chikov.com
EDUCATION of EXCELLENCE (part of GLOBAL INTERACTION LTD.) 1A Durban Road London - E15 3BW +447410828032 smrahman@gipcl.org.uk www.gipcl.org.uk
English school of London 82 Bradstowe House, Heastone road London - HA11EH +4407583139998 diana@englishschooloflondon.co.uk www.englishschooloflondon.co.uk
Global Law LTD 44 Southampton Buildings London - WC2A 1AP +440905324128244 tomas@global-law.co.uk www.global-law.co.uk/
Greenwich Central College Ltd 3 Muirfield Crescent, Bellerive House London - E14 9SZ +442037467771 partnership@greenwichcentralcollege.com www.greenwichcentralcollege.com
GSN Immigration Ltd 79 college Road, Harrow London - HA1 1BD +442081506709 info@gsnimmigration.co.uk N/A
Hamlets Training Centre Unit F5, Montefiore Centre, Hanbury Street London - E15HZ +442073772120 info@hamlets.org.uk www.hamlets.org.uk
Imperial Learning LTD CityPoint, 1 Ropemaker Street London - EC2Y 9HU +442034097966 programme@globaledulink.co.uk www.globaledulink.co.uk
INTERNATIONAL HOUSE TRUST LTD 16 Stukeley StreetCovent GardenLondonWC2B 5LQ London - WC2B5LQ +4402076112400 exams@ihlondon.com www.ihlondon.com
Learning For Life London Ltd 194 High Road Leytonstone London - E11 3HU +442085555200 info@learningforlifelondon.co.uk learningforlifelondon.co.uk/
London for Learner Ltd 80-83 Long Lane London - EC1A 9ET +4402084788248 info@londonforlearners.co.uk londonforlearners.co.uk/
London School of English and Foreign Languages Limited 15 Holland Park Gardens London - W14 8DZ +442076054123 jo.burns@londonschool.com www.londonschool.com/
Londonist DMC Limited 5 Great James Street Holborn London - WC1N 3DB +447471065907 dinara@londonist.co.uk www.londonist.co.uk
QC Immigration 117 Waterloo Road, Mercury House London - SE1 8UL +442036378633 info@qc-immigration.com qc-immigration.com
Sonis U.K. Immigration Services Limited 330 Churchill Place London - E14 5RE +4407563481308 sonisukimmigration@gmail.com sonisimmigration.co.uk/london
Westland Mark Limited 85 Tottenham Court Road London - W1T 4TQ +447881745556 info@westlandmark.com www.westlandmark.com
Wimbledon School of English The London Exams Center London - SW19 4EU +447464547987 sandro@wimbledon-school.ac.uk wimbledon-school.ac.uk
Advanced Legal Consultants Limited 2 Universal Square, Devonshire Street North Manchester - M12 6JH +4407432289451 selt@immigrationadvisers.com immigrationadvisers.com
Edvoy Educational Services Limited 9 Portland Street, Aytoun Street Entrance Manchester - M1 3BE +4401612334295 contracts@edvoy.com edvoy.com
Global Office For Higher Education LTD 132-134 Great Ancoats street Manchester - M4 6DE +4407824429300 info@global-h-education.com N/A
International Academic Centre IAC City View House 5 Union Street Manchester - M12 4JD +447806687071 dr.mohamed@iac-uk.com iac-uk.com
International Testing & Training Services Ltd Universal Square Main Building, 3rd Floor, Devonshire St. North Manchester - M12 6JH +4401618182961 s.alizieri@ittservices.co.uk ittservices.net
NCC Education Limited The Towers, Towers Business Park, Wilmslow Road Didsbury Manchester - M20 2EZ +4401614386258 esther.chesterman@nccedu.com www.nccedu.com
Syrian Community Council 17 Mabel Road Manchester - M35 9EW +4407377724449 info@syriancouncil.org.uk syriancouncil.org.uk
UK Management College TA/The UK Marketing Consultant LTD 2 Universal Square Suite 16-18, 1st Floor,Devonshire Street North Manchester - M12 6JH +4407754851649 info@ukmcglobal.com N/A
Prime Training Limited 4, The Parade, Monarch Way, Newbury Park Newbury Park - IG2 7HT +447961424532 primetraininguk@gmail.com N/A
VITSPRO (Virtual IT Services Provider LTD) Unit 9, Bankside The Watermark Metro Riverside Park Newcastle Upon Tyne - NE11 9SY +441912733333 m.chaudhry@vitspro.co.uk N/A
Acapedia Limited t/as Acapedia Consultancy Castle Cavendish Business Centre Nottingham - NG7 5PN +447708181666 info@acapedia.co.uk acapedia.co.uk
Global Lexis Limited 354 Banbury Road Oxford - OX2 7PP +447879810774 karina.capitman@globallexis.co.uk globallexis.co.uk
A Z T Law Ltd 4 Blenheim Court, Suite 14 Peterborough - PE1 2DU +441733590234 info@aztlaw.co.uk aztlaw.co.uk
MS Visa and Immigration 40 Peterborough RD, Farcet Peterborough - PE7 3BH N/A as@msvisasandimmigration.co.uk N/A
ACTIVE STUDY UK LTD 5 Cholmeley Road Reading - RG1 3NJ +4407490714810 activestudyandtravel@gmail.com activestudyuk.com
Learn for Life Enterprise 241-243 London Road S2 4NF +441142559080 info@learnforlifeenterprise.com www.learnforlifeenterprise.co.uk
The Qualifiers 67 Diamond Road SL1 1RT +4407516615357 mbbsqualifiers@gmail.com N/A
Inspire After School Club LTD Trading as Inspire Training Centre 1st Floor, 157 The Broadway UB1 1LP +447867857841 rahimrashid@hotmail.com www.myitc.uk
AIMS Education Limited Princess Caroline House, Ground Floor, 1 High Street SS1 1JE +443332249183 uk@aims-education.com www.aims-education.com
TOTAL ENGLISH LTD Unit 2a, The Exchange, 9, Station Road CM24 8BE +4407770903430 info@totalenglish.co.uk www.totalenglish.co.uk
Global Training Education and Consultancy Limited 308 Ewell Road KT6 7AL +447919162223 info@click4education.com www.click4education.com
METRO IMMIGRATION SPECIALISTS LTD The Atrium, 1 Harefield Road UB8 1EX +4402036330525 metroimmigration@outlook.com www.metroimmigration.uk
WH Solicitors Second Floor, Export House, 5 Henry Plaza, Victoria Way GU21 6QX +441483608786 waleed@whsolicitors.co.uk www.whsolicitors.co.uk

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
International Testing Service Liability Limited Company 17, Bobur Street, Rakatboshi, Yakkasaray District Tashkent - 700090 +998974600792 testservice.uz@inbox.ru t.me/xalqarotestlar
Innovative Initiatives Institute Buyuk Ipak Yo'li 63 Tashkent - 100170 +998973330887 farizanizamova@gmail.com facebook.com/westschool.uz

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
International Recruiter 9-58th Avenue, Haig Park, Mabelr Harare - N/A +263775989559 lorraine@ejcare.co.uk internationalrecruiter.co.uk

LanguageCert SELT Examinations Partners

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Educational Business Links Albania (E.B.L.A) Rruga Muhamet Gjollesha, Hyrja 1, Apartamenti 1, Zona Kadastrale Nr.8250, Nr.Pasurie 2/252+1-5 Tirana - 10001 +355672060948 xhoana@eblaedu.al www.eblaedu.al

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
ALC Algerian Learning Centers 02 Rue de Savoie, Hydra Algiers - 16000 +213550415805 hacene.chaib@alc-dz.net www.alc-dz.net

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Newstart Education Translation 67 Southaven Drive Helensvale - 4212 +61401603762 3219228843@qq.com www.naatitranslation.com.au

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Luminedge Limited 743, Gawsia Twin Peak, Dhanmondi 9/A Dhaka - 1205 +8801400403483 info.dhaka@luminedge.com.au bd.luminedge.com.au
British Workforce Limited Shapla 2, Jallarpar, Zindabazar Sylhet - 3100 +88001747318099 touhid.aes.bd@gmail.com N/A
Cambridge Sl Limited 33 Ornob, Siraj Tower-5th Floor, Mirer Moidan Sylhet - 3100 +881720165830 siddique@russbridgeacademy.com www.cambridgeschooloflanguage.com

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Cambridge d.o.o. Banja Luka Svetozara Markovica St 5/11 Banja Luka - 78000 +38766285743 camschoolbl@gmail.com www.cambridge-centar.com

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Groupe D'Initiative Commune English Language Services Catholic Institute, Bafoussam II Sub-Devision Bafoussam - N/A +237693909092 jordin72@yahoo.co.uk www.icabaf.org

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Beijing Pusite Education & Technology Future Financial Port 1-2113,Qiyi Road,Lianchi District Baoding - 071000 +8616619851233 pusitecn@126.com N/A
Hexuan Culture (Beijing) Co.Ltd 1-1004, NO. 8, Jintailifu, Dongba, Chaoyang District Beijing - 100018 +8617810356185 121608825@qq.com N/A
Tomato Edu Co., Ltd. 6th Floor, East Tower, Building 9, Fengtai Innovation Center, Fengtai District Beijing - 100079 +8615510593567 china@tomatoedu.com www.tomatoedu.com
Dongguan Newstart Translation Co.,Ltd No.205/107, Yanhe Road, Shatian Dongguan - 523000 +8676988861168 875283932@qq.com www.nstranslation.com.au
Languages (Qingdao) Certification & Assessment 711, Building B, Vanke, Heilongjiang South RD, Shibei District, Qingdao, Shandong Qingdao - 266000 +864006332889 lancelot@languagecert.com.cn N/A
Shanghai Changtai Education Technology Co., Ltd RM 118, 20TH Building,No.1-42,Nong 83,North HongXiang Rd,WanXiang Town,Pudong New Area District Shanghai - 200333 +862160480845 test@unischol.com www.unischol.com
Shanghai Overseas Affairs Service Center Co, Ltd 1708,17F,No.158 Hanzhong Road Shanghai - N/A +862163540500 wuchao@17000.com.cn www.17000.com.cn
Shanghai SISU Education and Training Co., Ltd Room 503 & 505 & 507, No. 433 Chifeng Road,Hongkou District Shanghai - 200083 +8615921266911 hayley@shisuedu.cn www.swifp.com
Wuhan Blackhawk Education Consulting Co., Ltd 805 Building F, Hanjie Headquarters International, Zhongbei Road, Wuchang District Wuhan - 430077 +8618671671599 navytu@blackhawkedu.net www.blackhawkedu.com
Better Offer Education Technology Co.Ltd. No.1 Changxing Road Taiyuan - 30000 +8617635199961 12549208@qq.com https://www.meiaofu.com
Shanxi Yihongyi Education Consulting Co., LTD. No. 31 Xinjinci Road Taiyuan - 30024 18810696073 yihongyiapply@163.com N/A

Côte d'Ivoire
Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Speak Easy International SARL BP 109, Cocody Danga, Rue des Jasmins, Residence Vieux Cocody - Apte 2 Abidjan - 25 +2252722446002 info@speakeasyintl.com www.speakeasyintl.com

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
NEN for Information and Communication Technology Building 121, Street 2, 5th District, 6 October City Giza - 12573 +201068827096/7 tca@eg.nen-global.org nen-global.org

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
English Book Education LLC Vepkhistkaosani st 92 Tbilisi - 0131 +995577346588 englishbookteam@englishbook.ge englishbookeducation.co.uk

Name City/Province Phone Email Website
Accent Language School Guernsey +1481714909


Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Saga Studies Private Limited SCO 108 RANJIT AVENUE ARMITSAR - 143001 +61450802000 sumit.arora@sagastudies.com.au sagastudies.com
GINA ABROAD PRIVATE LIMITED 125, Lake View Point, Opp. Baben Lake Bardoli - 394601 +916354396679 director@fetc.in fetc.in
Touchstone Educationals LLP SCO 88-89, 4th floor, Sector 17 C Chandigarh - 160017 +919779995641 info@touchstoneedu.com touchstoneedu.com
Compass Education Overseas Academy Private Limited New no.4, Old no.67, Pushpa Nagar Main Road, Nungambakkam Chennai - 600034 +919840891704 balaji@eoaindia.com eoaindia.com
Ebek language Laboratories Private Limited Old No 10, New No AD22, First Floor, 5th Street, 10th Main Road, Anna Nagar Chennai - 600040 +917373099201 adrian@ebekindia.com ebek.in
Pandian Systems and Solutions Pvt. Ltd 1st Floor Sri Krishna Complex Kalapatti Pirivu Signal, Saravanampatti Coimbatore - 641035 +919952566645 athi@pandianss.com pandianss.com
Institute Of Management Studies Mussoorie Diversion Road, Makkawala Dehradun - 248009 +9101357144025 ict.manager@dituniversity.edu.in dituniversity.edu.in
Edustep Overseas Private Limited 354/2, Shreyas Society, Sector - 22 Gandhinagar - 382022 +919825155928 skt@edustepoverseas.com edustepoverseas.com
Ankita Srivastava 3rd Floor, G 308, Sushant Shopping Arcade, Park Plaza Hotel, Sushant Lok Phase 1 Gurugram Haryana - 122009 +919899900020 mayanksrivastava@cpsglobal.in cpsglobal.in
NEF Law College GMC Hostel Road, Ananda Nagar GMC Opp., St John's Hospital, Christian Basti, Assam Guwahati - 781005 +919435010105 farhana@nefcollege.org nefcollege.org
UNI2GO PRIVATE LIMITED 3-5-1092/5/1, Narayanguda Hyderabad, Telangana - 500029 +9104066665660 info@uni2go.in uni2go.in
MERIDEAN OVERSEAS EDUCATION CONSULTANTS PRIVATE LIMITED Plot no 7, 1st Floor, Vaishali Marg, Ganga Sagar-B, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302021 Jaipur - 302021 +919351115627 amar@meridean.org meridean.org
Santamonica Study Abroad Private Limited 1st Floor Bio-Arcade Building, Justice Chandrasekharan Menon Road (Old name -Layam Road), Near Maharaja's College Ground, MG Road, Kochi Kerala - 682011 +919447713000 N/A santamonicaedu.in
Manjoorans Study Abroad Manjoorans Group, Karimattom Plaza, Above Karnataka Bank, Nagampadom Kottayam - 686001 +919605354321 admissions@manjoorans.com manjoorans.com
SMS PVS PRIVATE LIMITED Ski-Hi Chamber, 11/05 Park Road Lucknow, Lucknow Uttar Pradesh Lucknow - 226001 +918953998906 ssrivastava@smslucknow.com N/A
John Eusebio Dsouza 5th Floor, 503, Synergy Premises CHS, Kach Pada, Nr Hotel Khwaishh Presidency, Malad West Mumbai - 400064 +912240135625 john.dsouza@theenglishadvantage.in theenglishadvantage.in
RINKU SUJAN SHAH Baba saheb institute next to Maratha Mandir Mumbai - 400008 +919892931126 srs@worldassessments.com worldassessments.com
Destination Abroad 406 to 409 Skytatva-1, Behind Gravity Mall College road, Gujarat Nadiad - 387001 +919662302870 director@destinationabroadlimited.com destinationabroadlimited.com
N.R. Overseas Education and Immigration Consultants Private Limited 1st floor, 5/217, Subhash Nagar New Delhi - 110024 +919810246966 rameshsharma@indopacificservices.com indopacificservices.com
OSS EDUCATION PRIVATE LIMITED 1116, D Mall, Plot No. A-1, Pitampura, Netaji Subhash Place New Delhi - 110034 +918860857679 alliance@osseducation.com osseducation.com
Sophiya Consultants Sco 2-4, Leela Bhawan Patiala - 147001 +919872896646 g_sofia1@yahoo.com sophiyaconsultants.com
Weetech Solution Private Limited APMC Krushi Bazaar, 4th Floor, 1651A-1651B-1707-1711 Shop No 401, APMC Krushi Bazaar, Ring Road, Begampura, Gujarat Surat - 395003 +91-9276888885 info@weetechsolution.com weetechsolution.com

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Salahaddin Rafeeq Baker Kirkuk Road Erbil - 44001 +9647504478259 info@dilmaninstitute.com DilmanInstitute.com
Vina Qulla Street , Building 354 Ranya - 46012 +9647517718257 vinalearningc@gmail.com N/A
Interchange Institute Interchange Building, Building No. 80, Twi Malik Street Sulaimaniyah Sulaimani - 46001 +964533237363 info@Interchange.krd Facebook

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Escape Campus Bari Piazza Umberto 1 Bari - 70121 +390805128292 valentina@escapecampus.it escapecampus.it
Studio Westminster College Barletta di Rossana M.B. Colucci Via Prascina n.170 Barletta - 76121 +393289577600 westmin@libero.it westminstercollegebarletta.it
Sharpertok SNC di del Vecchio Marcenao B.E. & Rodriguez Colorado F.E. Piazzale Cadorna, 21 Bassano del Grappa - 36061 +390424525075 bassano@britishschool.com britishschoolbassano.com
Study Travel Academy Viale Masini 12/14, Bologna Bologna - 40126 +3905119907859 info@studytravelacademy.com studytravelacademy.com
CAMBRIDGE SRL Via Mameli 46 Cagliari - 09124 +39070654955 amministrazione.anglo@gmail.com angloamericancenter.it
Accademia Britannica Services S.R.L. Via Zurlo 5 Campobasso - 86100 +39874481321 linda@accademiabritannica.com accademiabritannica.com
E.L.V. - English Language Village SRL Via Carlo Porta 3 Capriate san Gervasio - 24042 +390290962228 info@elv-srl.it elv-srl.it
BRITISH SCHOOL DI CICALO' FRANCESCO Piazza Rinascita 12 Carbonia - 09013 +39078161886 carbonia@britishschool.com britishschool.com
Lexy srl t/as Morgan School Via Parente, 57 Casarano - 73042 +390833513208 info@morganschool.it morganschool.it
Bennett Languages Di Bennet Sophia Amaryllis Largo Plebiscito 9 Civitavecchia - 00053 +390766547046 bennettlanguages@gmail.com bennettlanguages.com
CAMBRIDGE CENTRE OF ENGLISH DI NORRIS ELIZABETH KATE & C. S.A.S. Via Nicolo Biondo, 293 Emilia-Romagna - 41126 +39599782849 k.norris@cambridgecentre.com cambridgecentre.com
TES The English School s.a.s Via Giovanni da Empoli, 19 Empoli - 50053 +39057172077 info@teslingue.it teslingue.it
My English School Italy Via Baracca 2 Florence - 50127 +39055330199 admin@myes.it myenglishschool.it
International House, La Spezia Via Manzoni 64 La Spezia - 19121 +390187732331 direzione@ihlaspezia.it ihlaspezia.it
FORMITALIA S.R.L. Via Adriatica 10 Lecce - 73100 +390832390312 certificazioni@oxfordgrouplecce.it oxfordgrouplecce.it
Team lingue International House, Lake Como Via Laghetto 9 Merate - 23807 +390399906600 esami@ihteamlingue.it https://www.ihteamlingue.it
Language Point Di Perego Ivana Rita & C. S.A.S Piazza Aspromonte 35 Milano - 20131 +390229521559 info@languagepoint.eu https://www.languagepoint.eu/
ENGLISH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL DI CIANCIO CARMELA S.A.S. Via Fosso Tantillo 20 Modica - 97015 +3929804415 catherine@englishinternationalschool.it https://www.englishinternationalschool.it
International School of Languages SEL Via Domenico Cimarosa 66 Naples - 80127 +390815782020 napoli.vomero@inlingua.it https://www.inlinguanapoli.it/it/
l' Universita Telematica "e-Campus" Via Isimbardi, 10 Novedrate - 22060 +393488868453 ottavio.ricci@uniecampus.it https://www.uniecampus.it
LFC Academy LLC Via Corradino D' Ascanio 34 Pescara - 65126 +390854516231 saldigiallonardo@gmail.com http://www.lfcpescara.it/
LINGUA POINT Via Cecati 5/b Reggio Emilia - 42123 +390522453116 esami@linguapoint.it https://www.linguapoint..it
Easy Life Group Srl Via Bartolo da Sassoferrato 9 Rome - 00165 +390637517821 panzarani@easy-life.com https://www.easy-life.com
FRASI SRL Via Bergamo 43 Rome - 00198 +390697841205 merulana@stgeorgesinstitute.it https://www.stgeorgesinstitute.it/
INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE SCHOOL S.R.L. T/a British School Roma Centro Via Tibullo 16 Rome - 00193 +39335319138 ils@ils-roma.it https://www.bsaroma.com
Play School Academy Via Caravaggio 12 San Salvo - 66050 +393791945006 cathy.ninni@yahoo.it https://www.britishintitutes.it/san-salvo
OBIETTIVO LINGUA S.R.L. Via Roma 307 Spinea - 30038 +390415702890 giulia@obiettivolingua.it https://WWW.OBIETTIVOLINGUA.IT
Avenue Centro Linguistico e Traduzioni di Luisa Simonelli Via Durone 43/A Tione di Trento - 38079 +390465324520 info@avenueclt.it https://www.avenueclt.it
ASEI SCHOOL S.R.L. Corso Unione Sovietica 113 Torino - 10134 +390110268410 pier.gobetti@aseischool.com http://www.aseischool.it
Interlingua Formazione Srl Viale Giuseppe Mazzini, 27 Vicenza - 36100 +390444321601 giulia@interlingua.it https://www.interlingua.it

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
University House Co. for Consultation and Studies Queen Rania Al- Abdullah Street 371 Amman - 11941 +96265373666 info.jordan@unihouseco.com unihouse.com.jo

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Study INN Bostandyk district, Seifullin Avenue, 597A Almaty - 050022 +77773556104 academicd@studyinn.kz N/A

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Learning & Testing Services of East Africa P.O Box 36732 Nairobi - 00200 +254712135826 info@lts-africa.com lts-africa.com

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Britain International Academy Block 10, Isa Al Qatami Street. Building # 34. Salmiyah Al-Farwaniyah - N/A +96522204171 info@bia.edu.kw bia.edu.kw

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
GLOBAL KOMPAS LLC Erkindik 64B, apt.10 Osh - 720040 +996555899868 info@globalcompass.me facebook.com/globalcompassme

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Madagascar Professional Training Centre Lot c 117 bis Andranomena Antananarivo - 101 +261331843908 mptc.tana@gmail.com www.mptceducation.com

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
ECCS Limited Baguant Lane, Allee Brillant Vacoas - 74101 +23027107450500 jay@eccs-africa.com www.eccs-africa.com

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Universal Language and Computer Institute 22 Gurans Marga, Dillibazar Height Marga Kathmandu - 44600 +9779851020918 u.pant@ulci.edu.np www.ulci.edu.np

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Bellaz Connection Systems Limited 56 Ogunlana Drive Lagos - 101241 +2348060725686 ogechi@bellazeducation.com www.bellazeducation.com
English Den Enterprise 5, Jokogbola Street, Off Ikorodu Club, Gbasemo, Aga Lagos - N/A +23408166696016 salaudeen.w@englishden.com.ng www.englishden.com.ng
Procept Associates Professional Services Ltd 32, Fobtob Building, Isaac John Street Lagos - 100271 +2348022230833 oduko@procept.com procept.com/consultants/nigerian-consultants

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
NEN | National Education Network 405 West Wing, Al-Watan Newspaper Building, 4th Floor, Al-Azaiba North Muscat - 130/669 +96896564491
+96896564492 +96896564493
cs@om.nen-global.org nen-global.org

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
ENGLISH TESTING SERVICES (PRIVATE) LIMITED 146-B, Wapda City Faisalabad - 54770 +923086668781 naveedawan@testingservices.co N/A
Kotsoft Technologies Main Jaranwala Road Faisalabad - 38000 +923002687826 ceo@kotsofttechnologies.online kotsofttechnologies.online
NSA Consultants & Legal Advisors 4-Z-J, Chenab Market, Behind Soneri Bank, Susan Road Faisalabad - N/A +923008668781 naveedawan@nsaimmigration.com www.nsaimmigration.com
CELT 101A New Muslim Town Near city School Wahdat Road Lahore - 5200 +923334888441 naeem.mushtaq023@gmail.com www.celt.com.pk
Future Study Partners Private Limited 173 P Block Marghzar Colony Lahore - 44000 +923144365017 info@ukstudypartners.com www.ukstudypartners.com
Smart Technologies/ ABDUL WAHEED P-23 Block No 17 Sector B-1 Township Aslam Chowk College Road Lahore - 42000 +923216677494 ceo@smartechnologyhub.com smartechnologyhub.com
Foreign Students Services / Anjum Touseef Ali Tower Sector F-2 New Mirpur - 10250 +925827435542 uk.visasandimmigration@yahoo.com www.fss.org.pk
AMBASSADOR EDUCATION AND IMMIGRATION PROMOTERS SMC PRIVATE LIMITED Office No. 9, JK Shopping Mall, Arbab Road Stop, University Road Peshawar - 25000 +92915840322 salman@ambassadorep.com www.ambassadorep.com
AS Foreign Education Consultants Pvt Ltd Office 26/27 4th Floor Rehmanabad Silk Centre Murree Road rawalpindi Rawalpindi - 46000 +923015369996 Info@asfeconsultants.com www.asfeconsultants.com
TNA ( Technologies Net Alliance) Suite # B-130 1st Floor, Rupyal Plaza Murree Road Rawalpindi - 46000 +923008253455 raees@tna.edu.pk tna.edu.pk
Global Group of Education House # 193, Grain Market, Jamia Rashidia Sahiwal - 57000 +923233303333 admissions@globalgroupofeducation.com www.globalgroupofeducation.com
Pro SA Study Advisors & Immigration China Chowk, Harrar, Wazirabad Road, Near Imtiaz Mall, Sialkot Sialkot - 51310 +9203335506640 sastudyadvisorsimmigration@gmail.com www.sastudyadvisors.com

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
AGNIESZKA SMYRSKA ul. Obfita 11A Bielsko-Biała - 43-300 +48506134310 agnieszkasmyrska@wp.pl N/A
P.H.U FOX Iwona Wójtowicz-Brzezińska ul. Szkolna nr 25, lok. 6 Bielsko-Biała - 43-300 +48604279764 wojbrze@wp.pl N/A
OXFORDON JANUSZ DARGIEWICZ Daszynskiego 9 Bydgoszcz - 85-791 +48600554555 janusz@studiawanglii.pl N/A
Education and Testing Dr Agata Pradela Chełmońskiego 3 Gliwice - 44-100 +48323701292 edu@dr-pradela.eu dr-pradela.eu

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
CELTIC TRADING & CONSULTING SRL Str. Gafton Lazar 3 Bucharest - 052034 +40740192230 office@keyenglish.ro keyenglish.ro

South Africa
Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
HORIZON CONSULTANTS 17 Hollyhock Road, Benmore Gardens Johannesburg - 2196 +27680278924 balvinder.kandra@gmail.com N/A
RED CIRCLE LEARNING 19 Matika Lifestyle Estate Capricorn Road Johannesburg, Gauteng - 2191 +27766893568 jeanne@englishforukvisas.com englishforukvisas.com

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
David Michael Hannon Calle Lavadero, 2 Cúllar Vega - 18195 +34958058650 direccion@aspireformacion.com aspireidiomas.com
Exam Services Salamanca SL AKA LanguageExams Salamanca Calle Condes de Crespo Rascón 12 - 1º Salamanca - 37002 +34923262026 annebarr@me.com examssalamanca.com

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Cap Wise Company Limited 201/5 Floor 2, Soi Sukhumvit 50 Road, Phra Kanong, Sub-district, Klong Toei Bangkok - 10260 +66816822851 admin@capwise.co.th capwise.co.th


Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
UDK Egitim Bilisim Danismanlik Ve Yay. Hiz.Turizm Tic. San. Ltd. Sti. Zincirli Mah. 505. Sk. Güney İşh. No: 1 D No:1 Aksaray - 68100 +905111693368 yakuppektas68@gmail.com udk.com.tr
KOLAY ICERIK EGITIM YAZILIMLARI A.S. Harbiye Mah. Zarif Sk. 7/3 Çankaya Ankara - 06460 +905466360056 ozgeglrkoc@gmail.com N/A
ACADEMIC YABANCI DIL KURSLARI SANAYI VE TICARET LIMITED SIRKETI Ihsaniye Mah. Can Sk. No:2/1 Kat:6 Nilufer Bursa - 16100 +905072245242 N/A akademik.com.tr
AYBIS Kisla Mahallesi Milli Egemenlik Cad. No: 10/B Muratpasa / Antalya - 07040 +902422410055 mazhardogmus@gmail.com aybis.com.tr

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Alpha Education for Publishing & Distribution Limited FZ LLC Office 1101, Tower C, Opus Tower by Omniyat Dubai - 93034 +97143918658 mattias.ardfelt@alphapublishing.com alphapublishing.com
BLUE MARK MARKETING MANAGEMENT 201, Victoria 1, Corniche Street, Al Majarrah Sharjah - 0000 +97165534283 syedyasir@bluemark.ai bluemark.ai

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
“International Testing Service” Liability Limited Company 17, Bobur Street, Rakatboshi, Yakkasaray District Tashkent - 700090 +998974600792 testservice.uz@inbox.ru t.me/xalqarotestlar

Name Address City/Zipcode Phone Email Website
Ruothy Educational Services 83 Sam Nujoma Street, G&B House Harare - 00263 +263774635215 moses.arogo@ruothy.com facebook.com/RuothyEducation