LanguageCert supports the development of its exams through a dedicated programme of research and validation. Our team of experts continually evaluate exam tasks and content to ensure they are valid, reliable and fair, sampling the appropriate language skills for all levels. Our exams are also monitored through independent external research.
Exam development
The task types used in LANGUAGECERT exams have been selected to ensure interactional authenticity, which relates to real-world performance. They have been developed to directly sample the cognitive skills, strategies and language knowledge that support judgements made regarding the potential ability of individuals in real-world interactional situations.
Questions use texts from authentic sources, as well as a variety of task types across all levels, such as multiple-choice selection, matching, and open-ended responses.
LANGUAGECERT places great importance on accurate and meaningful measurement that reflects real-world performance. This is important in the context of LANGUAGECERT as a Home Office approved provider of SELT exams for UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI).
Questions use texts from authentic sources, as well as a variety of task types across all levels, such as multiple-choice selection, matching, and open-ended responses.
LANGUAGECERT places great importance on accurate and meaningful measurement that reflects real-world performance. This is important in the context of LANGUAGECERT as a Home Office approved provider of SELT exams for UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI).
Ongoing Research Programme for Language Test Development
LANGUAGECERT’s ongoing research programme focuses on the development, validation, calibration, and performance analysis of LANGUAGECERT test materials. The program uses Classical Test Theory (CTS) and Rasch Measurement (RM) statistics to ensure accurate standard setting, item calibration, and overall test quality.
Learn more about Ongoing Research ProgrammeCommon European Framework of Reference (CEFR)
The CEFR is a widely applied and helpful way to facilitate the comparison of language curricula, syllabuses and exams. It is a set of common standards that permit employers and educational institutions to evaluate the language proficiency of individuals for employment, university admission or graduation purposes.
All exams developed by LanguageCert are aligned to the CEFR levels. In meeting these requirements, exam materials writers adhere to the highest international standards based on their extensive expertise, knowledge and understanding of the CEFR.
All exams developed by LanguageCert are aligned to the CEFR levels. In meeting these requirements, exam materials writers adhere to the highest international standards based on their extensive expertise, knowledge and understanding of the CEFR.
Our Academic
Meet our Academic Panel, experts from across the HE sector, who provide guidance, advice and feedback in the development and delivery of our qualifications.
The LANGUAGECERT System is a set of English language tests developed, evaluated, and managed using an integrated, standardised, and assured approach. Both England’s and Wales’s qualifications regulators, Ofqual and Qualifications Wales, recognise and regulate our English language tests.
LanguageCert assessments are based on relevant research and there is an on-going programme of research and validation designed to provide appropriate evidence to support the various ways in which LanguageCert exams are used.
Discover our
Key team members
Meet key members of LANGUAGECERT’s research and validation team, all experts in the field of language assessment and committed to investigating the reliability and validity of exam materials, their development, marking and use.
The LanguageCert Post Graduate Research Awards
The LANGUAGECERT Post Graduate Research Awards support and recognise the contribution of high-quality research in the field of English language testing and assessment. LANGUAGECERT announced the winners of the first Post Graduate Research Awards - three awards have been granted, marking an exciting beginning to an annual awards initiative.