Supporting international admissions with a secure, reliable and fit-for-purpose English test
What makes LanguageCert Academic relevant for higher education?
The contexts focus on language used in an academic environment, with generic academic vocabulary and expressions relevant to most subjects.
Additional benefits to your institution
- Convenient and accessible testing supported by industry-leading security measures. Our strict security protocols, online and at test centres, throughout the examination process, ensure our tests are fair and deliver genuine results you can trust.
- Fast results verifiable through our secure verification platform to support application processing and turnaround times on student offers.
- Use of our extensive partner network to increase and diversify enrolments.
- Participation in our international scholarship programmes.
How is LanguageCert Academic mapped to the CEFR and other tests?
LanguageCert Academic is directly calibrated to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference produced by the Council of Europe. This means that performance on LanguageCert tests is directly comparable to exams from other English language testing organisations. Extensive concordance studies with other tests are currently in progress and will be available later in 2023.
The established scoring arrangements between LanguageCert Academic and the CEFR are verified by ongoing analysis of test performance as well as by the LanguageCert Research and Validation programmes. Concordancing evidence with other tests (such as that provided with IELTS in the table), are an illustration of the equivalencies as verified both internally and externally by our external partners. Learn more.
The LanguageCert Global Scale is an easy-to-understand results system which reports scores on a 0-100 scale and links to the CEFR. It applies across all the LanguageCert tests and enables the setting of specific levels of attainment needed to fulfil certain requirements such as entrance into a university. The levels of attainment relate to overall test performance and performance by skill (e.g., speaking).
Test format and structure
LanguageCert Academic assesses 4 skills (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking) through a Written and a Spoken component. Both the Written and Spoken components are available through the LanguageCertCert Secure Test Centre network and via Online Proctoring with enhanced security.
Start accepting LanguageCert Academic scores today!
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Find out about LanguageCert's international scholarships
Language has the power to improve lives, facilitate access to higher education and significantly enhance career prospects. Our mission is to provide the best language skills assessment and certification, while giving equal opportunities to test takers worldwide.
Our scholarships, in partnership with the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU), Community Colleges for International Development (CCID) and Languages Canada, allow international students who have passed LanguageCert Academic or LanguageCert ESOL English proficiency tests, to study at one of their member institutions in North America.