LANGUAGECERT offers exams through a variety of delivery methods. Paper-based and computer-based exams are delivered through LANGUAGECERT’s global network of approved Test Centres, which is rigorously audited against high security standards to ensure the quality of their exam administration processes. Candidates taking LANGUAGECERT exams at approved Test Centres can be confident in a reliable, stress-free and familiar experience.
Candidates also have the option to sit their high-stakes exams remotely by taking LANGUAGECERT Online exams with remote, live invigilation. Candidates can register for an Online exam through the LANGUAGECERT website, or by contacting their language school.
Candidates also have the option to sit their high-stakes exams remotely by taking LANGUAGECERT Online exams with remote, live invigilation. Candidates can register for an Online exam through the LANGUAGECERT website, or by contacting their language school.
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