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Who is the LanguageCert Young Learners ESOL qualifications suite intended for?
What are the LanguageCert Young Learners ESOL Written exam components?
How is the Written exam marked?
What does the Speaking exam involve?
How is the Spoken exam marked?
In which format are LanguageCert Young Learners ESOL exams delivered?
Can learners take the LanguageCert Young Learners ESOL Written and Spoken exams separately?
Are there any sample exam papers for LanguageCert Young Learners ESOL?
Is there a wordlist for LanguageCert Young Learners ESOL exams?
Are there any available preparation material for LanguageCert Young Learners ESOL exams?
Do candidates have to attend a course before taking the LanguageCert Young Learners ESOL exams?
How can I submit a Reasonable Adjustments or Special Considerations request?
What do candidates receive after their exam?
What is the certificate like?
What’s the minimum/maximum age limit for candidates?
How to choose between the LanguageCert Young Learners ESOL Fox and Owl exams?
When and where can the exams be taken?
How much do LanguageCert Young Learners ESOL exams cost and where does it need to be paid?
Is the Speaking exam taken by candidates in pairs?
How long does it take for candidates to receive their LanguageCert Young Learners ESOL results?
Who informs candidates of their results?
How can I submit a result enquiry or an appeal request?
Are LanguageCert e-certificates sent directly to candidates?
Does the Test Centre get involved in the assessment?
What is the exam duration?
How do LanguageCert Young Learners ESOL qualifications correspond to the CEFR?
Should a learner at A1 level take the LanguageCert Young Learners ESOL Owl exam or the LanguageCert International ESOL A1 exam (Preliminary)?
What exam level can a candidate take after the LanguageCert Young Learners Owl exam?
Are hard-copy certificates available?
Where can I find out more about LanguageCert Young Learners ESOL exams?

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